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So sick of sd8 looking homeless!

onstrike's picture

We had plans to go do some fun fall activities yesterday and it's always a great opportunity to get some pics of all of us. I make sure that bs10 is looking polished and presentable,I take pride in that as his mom. Dh on the other hand,seems fine with sd8 looking like a homeless,feral child. It is so ridiculous. I buy sd beautiful clothes and headbands for her hair. She could look so cute,but instead comes back from bm looking absolutely ragged. Yesterday,before we left, I asked dh to have her put her hair up so she at least would look decent. I took pics of all of us while we were out and we all looked nice, except for sd. She sticks out like a sore thumb in the pictures. I give up, if dh thinks it's acceptable for his only daughter to look like an unkept,feral child,then I will just not give a crap anymore. I am anxiously awaiting sd to get to the age when her peers call her out on this. Maybe it will prompt her to brush her hair and dress so she looks presentable!


DaizyDuke's picture

Is it a man thing? I swear there have been some days that I have come home and thought OMG! DH let our BS4 go out in public looking like that???? I ALWAYS make sure BS4 is dressed well, has his hair neat etc.... but DH doesn't seem to think that is of importance.

Or does her BM let her look homeless too?

Glassslipper's picture

My SD9 has been doing the same thing since she was 4, refuses to wear anything except "comfy" clothes, always sweat pants and leggings and won't brush her hair, We buy her lots of fashionable things, I send them all to Goodwill with tags still on when she grows to the next size...BM sends her in leggings with holes, two sizes too small, and her brothers cloths on old ripped up tie dye shirts, she cries if you make her change.
I used to put her hair up, sometimes she likes it, other times she would give me the ugly evil eye stare down and rip it out...
I stopped...
I won't take her out like that anymore, and I won't speak up anymore either.
BM dresses the same way...
DH has to deal with it now, and lucky for me, he notices and doesn't allow it for the most part.
I understand your situation...