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Walked Away, Scared to look BACK.

nsweetr's picture

Well thought I found love of my life. He comes with 3 children and crazy ex wife. The drama has been non stop since we met. dated for 2.5 years was cautious of the situation then decided he lets move this in the right direction. Packed me and my son up and moved in with his 17 year old daughter and 11 year old son. This was 8 months ago. Let me repeat non stop drama and his children are terrible. Try and try I will. This past week $1000 of my jewlery went missing, his children were aweful at my graduation dinner with my family and we get home and his daughter shoves me calls me a b****. Yes I was livid and demanded her respect. Well he did NOTHING and had me and my son leave. Says he "didnt know what to do".... Pure BS. Had enough! havnt talked to him and I refuse to. He never corrected his children all night and allowed his daughter to treat me this way. Un real. Now me and my son have been put out. SO redic. Advice? I deff cannot live with her now. If I would have put my hands on her guess what Id have a charge. Children no matter whos they are should not act this way and should not come between the adults.  I thought we were a team.. had that talk 100 times. 


Exjuliemccoy's picture

You need to file assault charges against the 17 yo.

Merry's picture

He just gave you the best Christmas present ever. It might not seem like it now, but look ahead. Not back. You deserve way better than this.

CLove's picture

Sorry you had to go through that! But better the "big knife cut that severes all ties", than the "death by 1,000 cuts over a long period of time.

Over the 2.5 years, it seems things went south and souther. I am sure there were red flags, but we tend to ignore them when we have someone we think is incredible and the love of our life.

Seems he is NOT the love of your life.

Time to find you and your kiddo another place, and another life. This is truly a gift. If she treated you like that NOW, and he did nothing, imagine your life a few years from today and so much worse.

SteppedOut's picture

Yeah, I also had jewelry stolen. What the little thief took was worth well over $1k.

Besides formerSS, ONLY myself and my formerSO were living in the house or had access to the house. 

My formerSO would not and could not believe his HORRIBLY behaved child stole it. Even though he had been caught stealing MULTIPLE times, from me, from formerSO, from kids at school.

He came up with completely rediculous stories of other people that may have stolen it. People that couldn't have gotten in. And, of course, never offered to replace it. 

Be glad you are done with the terrible lot of people; your formerSO included! What an ass he is. 

Chmmy's picture

Well of course the lil angels would never! I hide my cash and important stuff at my parents house. I had a $20 stolen. Set the skids up cuz i didnt trust them. I was correct. Just dont know which one

ndc's picture

I'd look back long enough to demand the return of my jewelry or its cash equivalent and then I would put this weak, unsupportive man and his horrid children behind me for good.

Thumper's picture

Being stolen from in your own home  is awful..........I know how that feels.

Your very smart to pack it UP and move out. Alot of women would not have.

Keep going and never look back.

Oh and Miss, no it will not get better so do not believe bf. His chance to call the police, have a report filed to protect you is gone. She should have been charged.

Block his number.