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Well..not much to discuss regarding Runaway..

notsobrady's picture

And thats a good thing. The only hiccup is of course DH and the holidays approaching. 

We'll be traveling to work on our beach home as our first rental will be there mid January so we're using all of our holiday time off to get stuff done. Which means we won't be home for Thanksgiving or Christmas, which also means DH will not see SD19. He hasn't seen her in months. Only has spoken to her once when GMA went bananas because there was a car accident on the route to her work and no one could get in touch with her, so of course she feared the worst. She just wasn't answering her phone. And thats pretty much been it. DH doesn't discuss Christmas whatsoever unless its about the work that needs to be done at the house. My bios will be there to help with our mile long list of things to do and then I'm sure they'll head to the beach. And that'll be Christmas.

And for me...I'm perfectly fine with that. I know DH has a lot of guilt with the way things have gone down but I also know he will not kiss SD's butt in order to have a relationship with her.

So for now thats just the way life is.



Exjuliemccoy's picture

It takes a while to decompress from the hyper vigilance and drama, and to stop feeling as if you're waiting for the other show to drop. But the calm and peace feels sooo good, doesn't it?

I hope you thoroughly enjoy both holidays at the beach, Brady. You've earned it.