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Things that make me go grrrrrr

Not the Evil Stepmom's picture

I feel like it's just my son and me even though there are two other people in the house. Last night my mom had both my kids. (My oldest lives with my mom and dad because he started refusing to go to school and my dad is retired so he stays on him like white on rice.) I came home and my H and SS11 were watching tv. No one said hi or even asked how my day was. I changed my clothes and started making supper. Still nothing. I finished making supper and went into the bathroom before we ate. I came out and still nothing. So I announced that supper was ready. Nothing although they did come to get something to eat. So I sat down with them and ate in the living room. Finally my H said something to me after SS got up and went to his room. He said "You want to watch this?" Wow really? That's all you have to say to me?! I said sure. And that's all he has said to me since then. He wouldn't even get up this morning to tell me goodbye when I left for work. And to top it all off a friend of mine said they saw that he has a profile on! It's a website for married people who want to have an affair. So I created a fake profile so I could see for myself. And yep there he was. He posted a picture of himself! I sent him a message telling him how I found out.He has yet to respond. My first husband cheated on me too. I divorced him and remarried him and he cheated again. Oh yes it is fun being me!


Butterflykissesandlicks's picture


You found his profile on that site?! Did you check out the others?, etc.?


Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

DO NOT let him touch you either! You do not "know" exactly where he has "been."
Please trust me on this one?

Not the Evil Stepmom's picture

The worst part is that we have been trying to have a baby. I've been going through fertility treatments and all sorts of fun stuff. :sick: Last week he told me that he wanted to stop trying. I asked why he said it's beause we argue too much. Adn that was that end of that. I begged him to keep trying because I really wanted to try for a girl of my own. He just said no. I thought it was kind of strange for him to decide this all of a sudden. Ever since we met we have been talking about having another child. Sad

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I understand but try to look at it this way. What IF you were pregnant right now and just discovered this?! OMG

Personal here, is the fertility more your situation or his? If it is his, per se you can always try again later.

Not the Evil Stepmom's picture

I'm the one that's having trouble getting pregnant. I actually thought about just doing it on my own. I was pregnant before I met him and had a misscarriage. I was prepared to do it all on my own because the guy who knocked me up didn't want anymore kids.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

So you never actually have carried once? I see. Okay though, do you want to have a baby with a man that honestly, you should be afraid to even touch now after finding out these new revelations?

I do have one BK(20) but have no desire to parent with DH. (He was fixed this week.) No thank you. I don;t want to bring a new baby into any mess. How fair is that to the baby? I also had a miscarriage- FYI w/ DH (he carries Tay Sachs) there was no problem with my fertility, even at "my" age. Wink

On a serious note, if he has a profile on one, he more than likely has others. Seen it some research.