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Advice for rules and boundaries with out of control skids?

Mrs. Why's picture

Any advice for setting up basic rules, boundaries and consequences when skids are in our home? Their parents seem to think they should be able to do what they want and the adults in their lives just deal with it, however, I can't stand it.

Would like to approach DH about writing out rules and consequences, so he and I are on the same page and skids know what to expect in our home.



Mrs. Why's picture

This is the case.... Things have changed so much and been better lately, as we move toward the future and possibly have skids aroun more again, I refuse to live with the same issues we had before. It was literally like our home was invaded by wild animals at times. I will not go through this again, or live with it again. I've been patient and kind in the past, but looking to the future I have no patience left. I'm trying to avoid a blow out....major blow out.

Mrs. Why's picture

How did u have the energy for it? I'm more at the point of, MY HOuSE my rules, and if ya wanna see crazy go ahead and break em. Lol. As I said I no longer have patience for the bull shit, I have my own life and myself I need to care for, I'm not willing to sacrifice my peace or my happiness for them any longer =\

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Establish rules n consequences

Establish chore list for kids n consequences if not done by Friday's ( social life's start Friday after school if you have teenagers)

Clean up after yourselves
Dishes in the dishwasher
Do your own laundry

Don't tolerate disrespectful people , your home.