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Concerning behaviour SS9

mouse81's picture

I have recently become engaged to my partner of 2 years, I have always found his SS9 to be a bit different, but lately he has been having a lot of trouble at school, his mum had a meeting with the school regarding his behaviour and the teachers mentioned they were intimidated by him. Initially I thought this was ridiculous.... since speaking to him mum last night I understand why and have major concerns. When he is with us, he is pretty well behaved, if he is in trouble he sulks, but when he is with his mum, different story. She has described him as having anger issues, and outbursts they can't control. He was playing a game of "pretend stabbing" at her house running around after her partners kids with a knife, he drowned a frog in the toilet and then watched himself poo on it and then BM found a startled bird, put it up high to recover he went missing for a while and then came back and said "bird's dead" when she asked what happened, he said "don't know" but she thinks it was him. She mentioned that when she tries to talk to him about the things he does wrong, it's like he doesnt think it's wrong or he just plain denies it. 

What I don't understand is, how can he be so different when he's with us? If.... i hate to say it but if he has psychopathic tendencies, why would he be able to control himself with us? But the again who in their right mind even thinks of doing that to a frog?


Kes's picture

I guess it's up to the SS's bio parents to get him the help he needs if they or the school teachers feel his behaviour warrants it. The things you describe don't sound normal, that's for sure!  How is your partner with his son?  does he have firm boundaries for behaviour? If so, then perhaps that's why he's better behaved round at yours. 

thinkthrice's picture

just like my SD was (is).  His DAD needs to discipline him and get him counseling or he may turn out top be the needy Jeff Dahmer.

Chmmy's picture

Maybe he has triggers at home with mom and not with you guys. You mentioned mom's partner and kids. Maybe that sets him off.

DarkStar's picture

On your last post you were leaving this guy, now you're engaged? Isn't he a controlling, yelling, throwing furniture, kicking you out of the car, making threats type of person? WHY did you go back to this?