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future step daughter/ brat

momma bear's picture

I have been with my Fiancee for 2 years. I saw the red flags in the begining with his daughter, but turned my head to it. Well it has never changed. She is such a brat. Ignores u on purpose, stomps her feet and crossed her hands over chest, says hurtful things, and is manipultive. Now her mother is a nightmare. This child had NO manners or respect towards adults, and everyone allows her to run the show. I am a mother of a daughter as well. She is 6 yrs older. I am a disiplinary parent who has raised my child alone all theses years. My daughter is far from this 4 yr old. My child was never this way ever. She has great manners and is respectful of others. It's so hard to be around this four yr old. Now I do understand she is a prduct of her enviorment. The parents don't teach her manners and respect. The mother has a truck driver mouth, and doesn't think her 3yr old. At the time, saying I hate you is inappropiate. This child knows way to much s

tuff for her age that is inappropiate. The mother is a drama queen and has issues with basically everyone she encounters, so she exposes this kid to everything. Now that she is in school and not around us as much, she is even worse. It's so hard. a wedge in my relationship.I know this is only going to get worse and I just don't know hwat to do anymore. I just feel a child so young should'nt be so negaive. We can't even do anything fun cause she is set up by her mother to think negative. it's a tough situation