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step off already confusion...

moeilijk's picture

Wasn't there a regular poster for quite some time named step off already? She had recently gotten some negative feedback for (supposedly) acting like a GUBM. Is this the same woman?

Because that step off already was smart, articulate, and, I would think, far too busy for the irrational rabble-rousing the current step off already is up to.

And if it's the same poster, my heavens - what has happened???


step off already's picture

Break down in communication

... Sorry it's not as exciting as it may have sounded

WTF...REALLY's picture

Step, what are you doing to help your self come to some form of peace in your life?

You can't have it all your way anymore. Your ex is married. They will have thier way of wanting to live and you will have your way. Accept it.

He has a right to have an opinion about school. Its not your way or the high way.

Accept it.

Your kids will be better off for you doing so.

Move on. Love on your husband. Love on your kids. Leave ex and his wife alone. Stop looking into their finances. Leave them alone. Repeat after me. Thier home is none of my business. As long as my kids are safe, thier home is none of my business.

step off already's picture

They can do as they wish. He decided to take me to court after unilaterally deciding that he was moving our daughter for her school. He ask made a motion that all kids move to the public schools by his house so he can have custidy during the school year. He asked for 50/50 with kids living with him mostly during school.

He's an idiot.

He made a secondary statement stating that he now though one of our sins should stay in private school.

He's an idiot.

He lid on his papers "I don't have health insurance available". When he's the owner of a company that offers health insurance to employees.

He's an idiot.

He lost.

Now he lays more, has less custodial time, but sees his kids more as he is now the one taking care of them during his time - as opposed to having his abusive wife take care of them.

He's an idiot.

WTF...REALLY's picture

I can't spell for shit, but never has my phone auto corrected me like that. And I miss spell every 5th word.

The auto correct line is bs.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

for shit

WTF, it looks okay to me unless you meant:

FORE shit - golfers yell this when the ball a) bounces back and hits them in the shin, or b)goes waaaaay off course

FOUR shit - number 4 on your list of things to do; usually preceded by DRINK COFFEE.

Aniki-Moderator's picture


And encourages me to delete anything she might post on my future blogs or topics...

Sunflower1's picture

She raised red flags months ago when she posted about how she and exH have coffee dates to go over the schedule but SM was not invited or welcome and her DH isn't allowed to do the same with BM. Frankly, it sounds as though she's pissed her ex moved on.

hereiam's picture

That never occurred not was it a paying but keep on...

I think Dr. House would be interested in this.

moeilijk's picture

Aw, that's too bad. I liked step off already before. The new version I've skipped.

I remember her autocorrect, so funny!

For me, I text in 3 languages, so there are some pretty strange strings of letters people get, especially for the one that uses a different keyboard layout!