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Is he faking?

Mary Louise's picture

I'm pretty frustrated today w/ SS. He has an ulcer in his mouth. I have had ulcers many times and know that they bring a special brand of pain. HOWEVER for the last two days, literally ALL DAY LONG he has been sobbing, gulping air, snot running down his face and wailing about how much it hurts. At first I was being very accommodating until I realized that he was complaining of pain in different body parts - tooth, ulcer spot, stomach and the crying got out of control each time he was asked to complete his normal every day chores or activities.

This is a kid who didn't cry when he hit his head on a wall that required stitches. He NEVER cries. I am totally perplexed and bewildered, not to mention ready to give him one of those movie style face-smacks meant to make the actor pull himself together.

I went so far as to get a prescription for some ointment to make sure it really wasn't causing that much pain. After applying the new prescription stuff, he claims it still hurts terribly.

ARGH! Thoughts?????


Mary Louise's picture

Good call on the strep. I checked his temp and he didn't have any fever, but I will check his throat.

The ulcer looks like the type that are filled with clear fluid. But he is so weepy and sobby that I have had him in bed most of the day. He never fell asleep, but started wailing and crying and having a hard time catching his breath.

amazingly now that it is time for sports practice, he feels well enough to go. See why I question it all? The way he is telling DH, he hasn't felt that bad today. DH knows how he has been putting on because I have been texting him all day long. So very frustrating.

kathleen's picture

Remember that story about the shepard who cried wolf too many times, that the villagers didn't come to his aid when the wolf really appeared. A doctor can tell if he is faking, and talk to him. Then it isn't about you "not believing in him" but about what is really bothering him. Does he need more attention, is he suffering from the "divorce syndrome". Perhaps this is one of those opportunities to connect to this boy.