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Date night.

Mamma Jamma's picture

Tomorrow is supposed to be our first night without the kids since they got here a month ago.

Not feeling optimistic after today. Someone is gonna screw it up. Most likely Sybil, but other candidates include either skids at home, or SD23 who is supposed to babysit, as well as DH. He's been sick for 2 weeks off and on. Won't see a Dr. Not sleeping well which throws him off for days to follow. GROUCHY AS HELL. Smoking too much too, both of which pisses me off.


Couldawouldashoulda's picture

Any possible way you two could just not answer the phone tomorrow until you two can make it outta the house??? Ya know, the ostrich theory?

caregiver1127's picture

Oh sweetie - I am so sorry that you have to worry about your 1st anniversary - if you can get a back up babysitter on board just in case that will take away that worry - do you have a restaurant in mind - make sure the phones are on vibrate and don't let him talk to either skid during the date - it is so important these date nights and people just take them for granted - Enjoy -


Couldawouldashoulda's picture

I find that quite the compliment.... Caregiver, I know your plate is more than full, but you are still able to offer real hands on sound advice and have really helped me and others. I really respect your situation and was really glad when you posted the other day that you are utilizing adult day care. Was kind of hoping you were getting SOME type of respite. Didn't mean to hijack your post mamma, we are really roOtin' for your date night tomorrow. Keep us posted, k?

Mamma Jamma's picture

Well so far, all is on track for tonight. Except I'M sick. I told DH I'm going don't care HOW sick i am.

I need the break. Usually it's ok, but mornings like today (SD5 ordered me out of the (living) room while I was getting her ready for school--because she was drinking orange juice! and wanted privacy. I supervise her baths and help her change clothes. Drinking juice isn't exactly a super-private thing!!) make me want to agree with DH when she throws a fit and says maybe she should go back to her mom. I know she's better off here, but sometimes I can't deal. It would be more peaceful here with just SS10, but SH would start worrying himself to death over her I'll never actually say yeah let her go.