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What to do with a 19 year old S/D

LostinNM's picture

Hi all.. Want to start off by saying I support my step daughter going to school and following a career. My problems started a few years ago before my husband and I were married. As soon as we got engaged her then boyfriend told me she wasn't happy about it. Our wedding day s/d cried her eyes out flat out telling me "her dad said he wouldn't get married again" making as much as she could about her. There have been issues with vehicles,home (the house) and of course money. Her mother which by the way cheated on my husband while they were married got her signed up for a $12,000 beauty school which had to be paid within 3 months. It was out of town and she was to stay with a friend. Before we knew it she had an apartment, plus the school, and no job. Since then it's been poor me I want this, I want that, I have no money. We land up paying more than I'd like to admit, for her bills oh sorry "her check for school". Yet I'm the jealous one. Wrong, no clue, please help?


stepoff's picture

Same issues here with SD21. DH and I are paying for her beauty school stint. She wants, she needs, yet she works only part time. She's always upset with something, and tries to make the world revolve around her. Turns any issue into a pity-party for herself. Welcome to my world. Boo hoo for SD. She's cut off.