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Things You Don't Know (originally written 6/28/2010, 7:48 AM)

LizGrace65's picture

So your mother decided to call your grandmother and tell her how she doesn't know anything about your father blah blah blah. The two of you live in such a fantasy. Here's reality: your mother hasn't been anywhere near your father in many years, so she knows nothing. And you say whatever you need to at any given time in order to make yourself look good and somebody else look like the bad guy, so you can't be trusted. So whatever the two of you have to say at this point is pretty much crap. Your grandmother already knows this, because she already knows your mother, and because she and I had plenty of time to talk about what was really going on with you six months ago when I visited her. Therefore none of what is happening now is a surprise to her, and there's no way she's going to believe any of your tales.

And it's particularly interesting how you felt it necessary to call her to begin with. Exactly how is that your business? Or your mother's? You don't want to be here - fine. I think we made it perfectly clear the other night at the police station that we're not interested in having you here. What was your interest in calling the police to begin with - considering that you said you wanted to go, and your father told you to go ahead? It seems you really just want to stir up drama.

Do you realize your father did you a favor the other night? In case you didn't catch it, what the cop told you is that you had two choices - go home with your father, who has custody of you, or go to a foster home. That is, unless your father *allowed* you to go with your mother. You don't seem to notice that your father could easily have had you taken away by DYFS to a foster home, but he didn't do that. He said go ahead and go with your mother. He did you a favor.

In return, you called his mother and badmouthed him. You really are a piece of work.

But don't worry - your grandmother doesn't believe anything your mother says. Never has. And now that you've made it clear where you stand, she won't think much of your judgment either.

You followed that up by calling the cops again today, because - as usual - you don't have any clue what is actually going on. Here is your clue - as long as your *father* allows you to stay where you are, you can stay there. That was true two months ago, like I told you then, and it is still true now.

GET A F***ING CLUE!!! This is not rocket science!!!

As long as your father has custody, and he does, what HE says GOES. The cops told you that. And your father very clearly told you he doesn't want you here. Nobody is telling you to come here, are they? So calling the cops to tell them how you don't want to come here is pretty stupid, isn't it? Yes, it is.

And let's say he did want you to come back here. If that were true, and you called the cops to tell them you refuse to come, then the next step is that the police would have DYFS pick you up and take you to a foster home. Since it seems like you want to stay with your mother, why would you want to start that?

But hey, do whatever you like. And then blame somebody else. That's what you do.

I do wonder, though, what your point could possibly be. Because as I've told you over and over and over, if you go down that road you will regret it sooner or later. You don't seem to understand reality at all. No, your father is not a child abusing monster who yells at you all the time for no reason. He wasn't two months ago, and he's not now. I told you when we were alone in the kitchen the other week and you were venting about your girlfriend, that your saying that is disgusting and I have had enough of you badmouthing him. He gave you way more chances than you deserved, and only punished you when you drove him to it with your complete and total lack of response to anything else. That is the reality. I was there. I saw it.

To this day, when he corrects you, you get your arrogant, nasty attitude like he has a lot of nerve telling you anything. It seems you don't like the way he speaks to you when he's angry. That's too bad. If you don't like it, maybe you should stop f***ing up really simple things like "call before you leave the house" or "have your parent sign your MP4 Bio grades." And if you can't stop f***ing them up, then maybe you should realize that you need to *listen* to what he's yelling at you and *fix* the problem he's yelling about! But no - your only response is to feel so sorry for yourself and then go right on doing things the same old way - not paying attention, being lazy and rushing through everything you actually do bother to do. Which gets you the same results - you f*** up, and you get yelled at, and you feel sorry for yourself and don't fix anything.

You simply don't see that you have *never* been asked anything unreasonable. What has been unreasonable, is your total unwillingness to do anything at all. Your total unwillingness to listen when a parent tells you what you are doing wrong. Your total unwillingness to make corrections.

What possible reason could there be for having the same arguments over and over? The only possible reason is that the problem never gets corrected. That's on you.

And by the way, I find it extremely interesting that you have decided to imply to the cops that your father abuses you. You really have a lot of nerve. I was here Friday. *You* were the one who decided that when he told you you were wrong for failing to call before leaving the house, that the appropriate response would be to glare aggressively at him instead of apologizing. That was your choice. The same choice you always make - get an attitude when one of us completely correctly tells you that you are doing the wrong thing. Like nobody has the right to tell you anything. And now you say you're so afraid of him? You didn't look very afraid when you were busy getting up in his face. And it was just a matter of time before you did that to him - you've been doing it to me for months now.

You've already taken a swing at him. And you came back here because somehow in an argument at your mother's place, she ended up with her shoulder dislocated. So *who's* being aggressive? And now you want to play the frightened child?

You may fool people who don't know you, but you don't fool me. I've seen your nasty, aggressive, know it all attitude too many times. Now you're putting on the "pity me" face with the trembling lip - and I simply find it disgusting.

It must have surprised the hell out of you when the cop told you that if his son acted the way you act, he'd respond exactly as your father does. That should have been a wake-up call. I guess not.

Again, you have no idea how good you had it. You think it's so horrible here? I can't wait until you wake up and figure it out. The way you're going to feel at that point is your payback for what you're doing now.

Your father is not perfect. But he did the very best he could for you, every single time. Did you do the very best you could for him? No, you did not. Not even when he begged. And now that it's gotten to the point where you can't fake it anymore, you're actually blaming him.

Well, he's not the perfect father. But he is damn good. You, on the other hand, have done a miserable job at being a good son. And you're keeping it up with flying colors right now.

Do you think you can hurt him anymore? You can't. You have already done the worst thing you could do to him. You have demonstrated beyond any doubt that you have no character, that you don't appreciate anything he's tried to do for you, and that you have no loyalty to him. He already knows that, and he's already dealt with it.

You can do whatever you want now. It doesn't matter. You only have two more years when you have any claim over him at all. Maybe less, depending what you do. He can get through that with his eyes shut. And then he'll have no issues - but *your* issues will be just beginning.

That's your problem, since it was your choice.

He's right - you think you know everything. But you don't know anything. You'll find out.