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I call BS, ET...

lieutenant_dad's picture

Dropped off YSS at ET's new residence on Friday night, which is a solid 15 minutes further away than the last place of residence (can't even say "her house" because neither were/are hers). She "hurt her knee" and hadn't been able to drive, so her BF has been driving her everywhere. The "hurt knee" is also why she hasn't been working. Though, on Friday, I saw her walking on her knee with no brace on, so not sure what "injury" prevents her from driving but not from walking.

DH gets a text last night saying he needs to come pick up YSS because they can't bring YSS home. 

I'm sorry, WHAT?! So now that just f**ks over plans we have for today, and wastes 2+ hours of our time, because she...*checks notes*...literally can't do anything for her kid. I wonder if she managed to get him to his sport practice yesterday (my guess is no).

So now I'm wondering a few things:

1.) Did she know before we dropped him off that she couldn't bring him back?

2.) Did her BF refuse to spend his own money and time to bring him back here (good for him if he did)?

3.) Does she really have a knee injury that prevents her from driving, or is she taking a page from GBM's book of being an eternal victim. Bonus story about GBM: she is moving back into her house in ET-ville that ET and XH#3 were living in/"updating" and living on her own, after spending the last 3+years mooching off - I mean, living with - her son. Gotta say, it's a great retirement plan - live with one kid while the other makes your dilapidated house livable. I understand more why ET is like she is.


JRI's picture

Eternal victim.  Also a lazy and inconsiderate user.


AgedOut's picture

honest question, because I don't know all back stories, what would she do if you said "no, I cannot right now but I'll pick him up tomorrow @ youranass o'clock, have him ready please. "

lieutenant_dad's picture

She'd have him ready. The issue isn't the time he gets picked up, it's the fact he needs picked up at all.

Short backstory: YSS moved in with us FT in Jan 2021 after ET and XH#3 couldn't pay for their apartment anymore (plus other issues with YSS). ET moved to GBM's house about 45 minutes away, and now moved another 15 minutes further away. She can't/doesn't keep a job so she has no money and complains constantly about gas money because she owns a massive truck that just guzzles it. She also doesn't pay CS, and in fact still receives some CS because DH hasn't gone back to court yet (though, based on their pay difference, DH may still end up owing her about $100/mo in CS). She has bought YSS precisely zero things that weren't birthday/Christmas presents in the last year. She takes EOWE visitation with extra time at holidays, but since she got the new BF, she has cut down on visit times.

So yeah, she's happy to keep YSS an extra 24 hours (maybe) because she gets to stay lazy. She also doesn't care near as much about YSS as she does OSS because she'll spend the gas money to drive 200 miles roundtrip to see OSS at college.

Note, this isn't a ploy to keep YSS because the two of them will fight if he visits for too long. And YSS has made his displeasure of ET moving on so quickly fairly known. I doubt her BF wants a grumpy teen longer than is needed, so really, she's just being an inconvenience.

CLove's picture

Toxic Troll complains when she has to do any transport. Because shes the mother. So Husband has to do all transport until the end of time. Because shes the mother.

She even complained when doing transport made her "late for a date" with some dude.

Transport and BM's seem to be a problem all over. And we are about 30 mins from school, and about 10 mins from each other. So Husband does school transport since its on the way to/from work. But when he has a day off or is sick (rare but it happens), she STILL expects him to do all transport. On HER weeks.

So - ETS "knee injury" must be milked for all its worth. It is The Way.

Ispofacto's picture

A lot of these cluster Bs aren't just lazy, they feature Hostile Dependency and Coercive Caretaking. 

For Satan, any service DH provided her, no matter how forced,  demonstrated his "caretaking", and was proof he still "loved her".

The same mentality spilled onto Killjoy,  who was constantly setting up tests of his love.  She needed nonstop submission and fealty.  Gross power trips.  Kneel down and kiss the ring.


lieutenant_dad's picture

This actually explains several things. I've always found it odd how ET has behaved with DH. One minute she's spitting nails because he didn't find the "right" solution to her problem, and the next she is treating him like they're still married. This may explain why her exes have had issues with DH, because her "punishment" to them when they can't do something "right" is to rely on DH, and DH is stupid enough at times to help her out. Then she feels loved and powerful, and doesn't realize she just torpedoed her actual relationship.

This has put her past relationships into new light. Doesn't change anything, but it's still fascinating from a psychological profile perspective.

CLove's picture

Has admitted to people I know that she thinks that Husband will end up with her eventually. And when she coerces him into helping her, knowing this, I just get so mad.

Her victimology runs deep.