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I need DHs help, but he goes off to frolick with SS9

LauraHelton331's picture

DH was supposed to come home from work at 2pm and help me move our computer out of BS1's room and into our bedroom. I really need this done ASAP b/c about 2 weeks ago I started medical transcription school online. I work full time as well, and it is really hard to get anything done with the computer in the baby's room (i.e. he naps for hours at a time --right when I should be studying, but I can't get to the computer!!).

I spent the first half of today cleaning our bedroom, rearranging it to be able to fit the computer desk and chair. (That's the reason it wasn't in our bedroom in the first place, it will be an incredibly tight squeeze. I don't care anymore. I need it.) I have put off studying to clean and clean and clean to make this whole transition as easy as possible on DH.

Well, DH calls me just now and says he won't be home until later tonight b/c he is going to scoop up SS9 to take him to an extra karate class, purely for the fun of it. The kid already goes 3 days a week. He will be going to karate class at 9am tomorrow morning for goodness sake!!! I really, for ONCE, need DH's help. Nevermind the fact that he never lifts ONE FINGER around here, yet I am the one with full time work with school on top of it.

Now, by the time he gets home, BS1 will be in bed and we won't be able to move the computer until tomorrow. And then tomorrow, first thing in the morning, it's KARATE!! F#$% karate. I asked DH several days in advance to help me with this. I (sort of jokingly) told him I would not ask him to do one more thing around the house for the rest of the month if he woulddo this. I worked from 11pm until 7am last night, and it is now 130pm the next day and I still haven't gone to bed and I am going strong AS USUAL cleaning for his lazy a$$. Haven't found time to study yet. sure would be great if i could get some help.


livingontheedge's picture


I live in a house with all boys and men. So at times I feel like when I have stuff that should be done by a guy I should have plenty of help, however I usually end up doing it myself. Over the years I have decided to not wait on a man to do anything, I just do it myself. If I waited for them for everything, nothing would get done.

txstep67's picture

You know, I have had to do the same myself. When I was single, I always lived with my friends (guys mostly--gay, thanks!) and they were worse than a woman about helping me. I would just pick up the phone and call one of my girlfriend's to come help me, sometimes. We would get it done just as easily. Now, with my DH, he does the heavy lifting. I can't let him know I can do EVERYTHING bc that would take away some of his manhood. Wink So, I say give a friend a call and see if they can help you do it. Let the H be in the doghouse for a little while. Seems to me like it would do him some good. My opinion--just sayin'.

" Everything reactionary is the same; if you don't hit it, it won't fall."

MSloan86's picture

When BS1 gets up in the AM thats DHs queue to move his ass and the PC. It takes 10 minutes to move and reconnect a PC. Be sure that he wakes up at 5 or 6 or whenever BS wakes. And let him know he brought it on himself.

txstep67's picture

Hahaha! I do admit, I like Msloan86's suggestion!

" Everything reactionary is the same; if you don't hit it, it won't fall."