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"This is my ex"

ksmom14's picture

An article I found this and actual post pasted below...

"This is my ex. This right here is more valuable than gold. This is a man who doesn't pay a dime through the state because when my son needs new clothes, I just call him. This is a man who buys a bundle of kids' movies on Vudu so even I can enjoy them with my son in my own home. A man who drops off the $45 box of pull-ups at my front door so I don't have to load him up and go to the store. One who takes his son in 10 min notice far often than he should because I have too much to get done or just need a nap. This is a man who listens to me cry because I'm stressed out. This is a man who tells his son not to forget mommy's boyfriend when he lists his favorite people off the top of his head...A man who rushes over because we got locked out of the house or spends his evening fixing something for us. This is a man who labeled the presents he bought his son from "mommy" because mommy couldn't get him as many. A man who still watches my sister's kids so our son can be with his cousins. One who accompanies me to meet strangers from Craigslist to ensure we are safe. This is the diaper-bag-wearing, chocolate-milk-making, selfless, protective, generous, accomplished FATHER to my son.
The amount of obstacles we've had to overcome to get to this point are tremendous. This was not easy, this was a choice. Stop giving excuses and come together for your children. I'm the most stubborn person that I know and forgiveness came easy to us for the sake of our son. And because of that, I see my son every single day. We always welcome each other's presence.
In case I haven't told you lately, I'm grateful for you. Most importantly for the motivated individual you are and how you provide Pierson with a phenomenal role model despite the foundation you once had. I love the amount of love my son will always have from you."

Wow, I hope that works out for them and they can continue to be friendly with each other, but I totally see a new woman coming into that father's life and wanting to set some BOUNDARIES!


Cooooookies's picture

Yep this will all go fine and dandy until his girlfriend watches him run at his ex-wife's beck and call every day. Over in 10 minutes because she has "too much to do" or "just needs a nap"...

*SCRREEEEECH back that bus up*

Golden Uterus will have a rude awakening when dear daddykins gets a new girlfriend lol

Luckyone's picture

As a school bus driver, I am backing that bitch waaay up!! Not a chance I would put up with this...

Acratopotes's picture

I puked when I read it weeks ago... and I just barely could stop myself now from puking again...

i wish I can hook up with this guy, that lady will sing another tune after a month, her letter will be more like

My Ex is involved with a true bitch and just started telling me NO not doing it, we are divorced, leave me alone and get on with your life

newcstep's picture

The only way I'm going to be able to sleep at night is by telling myself it isn't real.
I'm going to pretend this is just some sick lonely and bitter BM writing about how she WISHES her ex would be and all the other BMs chiming it about how great it would be!

uofarkchick's picture

Someone shared this on a single mothers group I belong to and they thought it was just amazing. I pointed out that these two are probably still sleeping together and that it's unhealthy for this man to drop everything for his ex spouse. What woman wants a man that is constantly going to his ex's house every time she has a task for him?

No one agreed with me.

CANYOUHELP's picture

I would bet they are still doing the nasty.

He better keep catering to the ex because no woman on this earth would take a second look ---at being part of this sick and twisted mess.

Ninji's picture

She sounds pretty needy. Maybe the new BF enjoys the break. BF and XH are kinda like sister wives. Smile

newcstep's picture

Is this supposed to be showing how great co-parenting can be? Sounds like this is supposed to be a testament to BMs everywhere of what an ideal co-parenting relationship looks like. OMG GAG! No wonder so many of us SMs end up on forums like this with issues.

Men with children should come with this article as a warning label. Look ladies, you think this is just a good man with a little baggage? THIS is what BM is expecting. In fact, I'm pretty sure we should share this article with every "Ann" out there and every new poster asking if they should marry their SO. THIS is what you have to look forward to in a BM's ideal co-parenting relationship. GOOD LUCK!

newcstep's picture

Wow I just read the full article...

“This is amazing… Mothers and fathers should be this way for their children’s sake,” commented one user.

“His generosity and his consideration towards you is not only because you are the mother of his son, but also because he loved you once. That is the mark of a man,” wrote another.

“Wow how refreshing to see a post like this! It’s a nice break from the negativity on here usually,” added yet another person praising their approach to parenting.

....and now I want to go cry, or puke, or both

momjeans's picture

You nailed it.

"... also because he loved you once". BM used to play that card with DH. The whole "just remember - you loved me once".


newcstep's picture

Oh gosh how I wish this wasn't real. I'm losing faith in a culture that encourages this as a good healthy relationship. It's honestly depressing me.

CLove's picture

Cheesus Crackers.
Makes me want to gag, seriously. I can appreciate how difficult it must be to be a "single mother", however to me, single mother doesn't have exh/baby daddy in the picture AT ALL. My mother was single mother, so I know what that looks like.

This is like one of those characters in a fairy tale. Like Cinderella post-divorce, Prince Charming still chasing after her, but instead of glass slipper, its with his hero cape on, ready to save the day, every day.

When I first started a relationship, BM was needing food and home supplies, which SO would drop off, and I would hear "BM needs this, wants that". After a while I said "I do not CARE what that nasty POS wants or needs, she can get it herself". Now she has puppet boyfriend, so we are all good now. Except when she needs car fixing, she PAYS, because Puppet cannot fix anything to save his own life.

uofarkchick's picture

I think we're mainly grossed out by the man willing to drop everything to go rescue his ex wife. She brags about how she can call him anytime and he'll be there within ten minutes.

That's faster than Jimmy John's!

I'm hungry.

newcstep's picture

"This is a man who listens to me cry because I'm stressed out."
--I wouldn't consider that a "positive interaction" unless you are looking from only the perspective of the BM. It would break my heart if my DH were providing that level of emotional support for his ex wife. That isn't healthy and it shouldn't be idolized like this.

Just J's picture


When I first met my DH he did shit like this. BM wanted to donate the kids' swing set to her church and asked DH to come take it apart. She couldn't get anyone to come to her boyfriend's birthday party so she asked him to come. He'd come watch the kids at her house, he let her borrow his car to go to Vegas (I don't remember why they couldn't take her perfectly good car), all kids of nonsense under the guise of "we're friends for the kids." Yeah, NOPE! I told him I was not cool with any of that, she had a man to do things for her, and hanging out with just BM and her friends is not for the kids in any way. Luckily my DH was understanding and admitted he didn't actually want anything to do with BM but thought that was what he should do for the kids. Silly man, lol. So that all stopped shortly after and I know BM didn't like it. She couldn't get over the idea that DH was supposed to come when she called. Her boyfriend at the time seemed ok but I always wondered what kind of man would put up with that shit.

Ninji's picture

My DH was a doormat to BM. Cleaning her house, fixing things, even babysitting while she went out with her new boyfriend at her house, even talking her though emotional breakups every few months. God, I don't miss that shit.

ChiefGrownup's picture


He's not doing all that for the kid: he's doing it for her. If she doesn't have the stamina or the pullups or the emotional stability to raise the child, what he would do FOR THE KID is take more custody.

The guy sounds seriously co-dependent or still ga-ga over the bm, hoping to win her back with all his Eagle Scout party tricks.

There's no idealizing of "voluntary" child support because the courts see it as a gift. A man could pay $300,00.00 over the course of the years voluntarily and then BM could slap with him with a court-ordered bill for $300,000.00 more one month before the kid's 18th birthday.

She cries on his shoulder. How nice for her. How not that nice for her boyfriend. Sounds like a narcissist who collects as many men to give her attention as possible. You can bet her little boy will become one of them.


hereiam's picture

Geez, is there no balance in anything anymore? Peaceful co-parenting is one thing but that is NOT what this is. This is more than "continuing to play a role in her child’s life despite their breakup" and "continuing to be a dad". It sounds like a full blown relationship, to me.

Dude looks young, I think he just doesn't know any better! And is probably still in love with her.

notsobad's picture

This came up on my FB feed and I've been having an ongoing discussion about it. All the somethings being said on here.

Funnily enough it's the BMs who are saying how wonderful it is and they wish their ex could be like him. I've been called bitter and angry, lol.
The men who've replied all say he must still be in love with her!?

hereiam's picture

Of course the BMs want their exes to be like this, it's a win for them, but those same BMs wouldn't like it if their new man was like this towards HIS ex, though!

But it's for the kids!!

Really, if you can get along this well "for the kids", then stay together for the kids.