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step mother to teenagers

kelly42's picture

I have only one child who is now 19. she lives on her own. I was a single mother for awhile then married a man for 10 yrs. then divorced and became single again...I worked 80 - 100 hours a week providing for her because i didnt qualify for housing, food stamps, medicaid, nor did i receive child support. I have had a hard life but i survived without drinking alcohol, doing drugs, and caving into a depression. I kept busy, worked many hours as a caregiver/nanny/etc.. in places my daughter could visit me if needed. We were poor but clean, responsible, etc...

I stopped at one child for a reason. I cant handle children. working as a nanny is completely different than having many children because I am only working maybe 40 hours a week then I am done. being a mother to many children you are never done.

the mother of the children is not allowed to come near the children due to CPS involvement yet the children are selfish. They demand i give them everything plus scream at me when they dont have their way. lol

My husband has 4 children by one woman his first wife. I am wife number 3. He didn't have any children by his second wife but did care for his step daughter by a previous marriage. she was living with him along with other children when I met him. I thought she was sleeping with him but later found out she was supposed to be helping him with his other children in exchange for free room and board. she did not live up to her side of the bargain. My hubby is a nice man and allowed his children and ex-step daughter to walk all over him. I understand because he worked 60 hours each week and took care of his 4 children, step daughter, and his best friend lived with him. his best friend was supposed to help him with his children but instead became a moocher instead.

when i came into the picture i cleaned house. I managed to get most of the people out. His best friend and step daughter had to leave. we gave them 6 months to save money. she was 23 and had no job. we managed to help her find work and told her to save money to move out. in 6 months she saved nothing. we kicked her out anyways. his friend also saved nothing... he had to leave.

his 2 oldest children over 18 wanted to stay home and mooch off dad and me. we were both working at the time. this is now 2 years ago. i am now job seeking but i digress...the other children decided to live with a family member because they didnt want to follow my drinking alcohol, no sex in home, no drugs period, there will be a curfew, have to get a part time job if over 16, have to maintain good grades or grounded, have to have chores, want a clean home ( they come from a mother that is white trash ), etc...well 2 left his daughter and his oldest son...

2 stayed is almost leaving in one week. he is 18 and a 10th grader..long story on that one ...
he is moving out because he kept bringing drugs into home. we are kicking him out. he back talks me, rolls his eyes at me, etc...
sometimes he is a good kid but overall his attitude sucks.

the youngest is 13. he is overall a good kid but the name calling, starting arguments in the grocery store, back talking, etc is annoying. when he calls me lazy in walmart i respond back. I am not afraid of him. it is an ongoing issue with him. I have issues because my hubby is tired of his children. they are rude to him as well just not to his face. his hands are tied due to long hours at work and talking to them doesnt work, yelling at them doesnt, whipping them doesnt, we just count the days now ....5 years to go

scholastically the boy is behind in school but the school bumps him up to pass the next grade. I home schooled my daughter and for the most part she is intelligent. granted my daughter is not perfect either. I tried my best with her. she chose to be like her father...she left home because she too didnt want to follow the drinking, no sex, no drugs, curfew, good grades, etc... i told her if you dont like it then she left at 17. high school drop out, now pregnant... not living with me...and no ged.

I believe in tough love. i am not going to sugar coat anything. i was raised in a military home. i have college, high school diploma, didnt get pregnant til early 20s, granted my life was hard due to being a white single female with a child but seriously his kids drive me crazy...


MrsZipper's picture

So you thought he and his stepdaughter were sleeping together and you still wanted to date him. Okay.

kelly42's picture

I later found out his step daughter is obese and severely mental. I was unsure at first. my dh is my old ex boy friend from high school. we broke up because i wanted to travel and he wanted to stay in the small town we were from. I left and he stayed and eventually married a woman from the town and had 4 kids by her. I missed that
yeah i was reluctant to date him and i often thought he was sleeping with Judy but once i met her i could tell she is mental. she is bi-polar, anxiety disorders, and something else that doesnt snap in her brain. her mother was into drugs plus is also bi-polar so maybe it is hereditary. my dh is a great guy and alwys has been. we attended church together growing up and he is a good person. he sees the good in everyone and I well i see the bad b4 the good. judy took advantage of him. she was raised in foster cares off and on in her youth since her mother was into alcohol and drugs plus she was poor white woman with no education, no college and no ged. my dh felt that judy was happy in a home and didnt want to kick her out onto the street. plus it gave him assurance that judy looked after the children that were a little younger than her. his idea was good but hers was to mooch after him and receive a free ride without working and living off of him. sad really but she is mental as well so her mind is that of a child even though she has her high school diploma and now works full time at walmart. when you try to talk to her she cant focus very well and if you look closely one can tell she is slow mentally.

kelly42's picture

I later found out his step daughter is obese and severely mental. I was unsure at first. my dh is my old ex boy friend from high school. we broke up because i wanted to travel and he wanted to stay in the small town we were from. I left and he stayed and eventually married a woman from the town and had 4 kids by her. I missed that
yeah i was reluctant to date him and i often thought he was sleeping with Judy but once i met her i could tell she is mental. she is bi-polar, anxiety disorders, and something else that doesnt snap in her brain. her mother was into drugs plus is also bi-polar so maybe it is hereditary. my dh is a great guy and alwys has been. we attended church together growing up and he is a good person. he sees the good in everyone and I well i see the bad b4 the good. judy took advantage of him. she was raised in foster cares off and on in her youth since her mother was into alcohol and drugs plus she was poor white woman with no education, no college and no ged. my dh felt that judy was happy in a home and didnt want to kick her out onto the street. plus it gave him assurance that judy looked after the children that were a little younger than her. his idea was good but hers was to mooch after him and receive a free ride without working and living off of him. sad really but she is mental as well so her mind is that of a child even though she has her high school diploma and now works full time at walmart. when you try to talk to her she cant focus very well and if you look closely one can tell she is slow mentally.

twoviewpoints's picture

I'm not too sure her children made out any better, " high school drop out, now pregnant... not living with me...and no ged".

Spending 80-100hrs a week raising someone else's children while her own was supposedly being homeschooled (by who?). Meh, but at least she's getting all those pesky kids out of her and her man's life. :O