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Mini-Wife Syndrome seems to be under control.

katielee's picture

I think my game plan is working. I realized a couple days ago that we've not had anything majorly "mini-wife" in quite some time. Plus, the teacher told me yesterday that SD12's attitude & behavior at school has improved drastically since she's lived with us. It has been a huge battle and at times I didn't think our marriage was going to last.

No...I'm not naive enough to think the war is won. I fully expect this is an ongoing battle I will be fighting for the rest of the life of my marriage. But right now I am thankful for a few days of relief and peace in my home.

I'm even throwing a "School's Out Pool Party" for SD and a few of our friends this weekend. Gotta shine that halo whenever you can Angel


moeilijk's picture


Did something happen to change the game or has DH been stepping up consistently or or or???