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Attn.Fedupstep...Please keep Us Posted On The Ending Chapter Of SD Hiding Her Dad's Underwear,

Justme54's picture

I thought I heard it all until day. I need to count my blessings. No one is stealing my underwear, I do not have to share a bathroom with step kids or worry that someone is using my toothbrush.

I need to get over missing items. As I know, no one has stole them. I know I have misplace my earrings or left them at the hotel. If they do not show over time, I know I screwed up and left them at the hotel.

I am dying to know what your DH tells his daughter and how she reacts. Thanks for sharing.


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

We are all discovering some eff'ed up shit lately, aren't we?

*Moon hums "Man in the Box" by Alice In Chains and slowly exits the stage......*

evilicious says I quit steppin's picture

All of this makes me eternally grateful that my stepwaffle no longer lives in my home. She only dares to lurk nearby when she knows I am 3000 miles away. She did admit to throwing away my undies, but only stole cash, makeup and jewelry.

luchay's picture

oh oh oh - OMG I cannot believe I have just remembered this one!!!

early last year, maybe the year before? I found some enormous granny pants IN my washing..... Ok, so we have a laundry chute, all the kids just put their washing down the chute, basket at the bottom in the laundry cupboard, ex-OH and have a basket in our room for our stuff.

So I just sort the baskets together on a Saturday morning and do my 2-3 loads of washing, I don't really pay a lot of attention to WHAT - just whites/colours/woollies etc.

So it was all washed and I was hanging it on the line when I came across these huge beige knickers. Quite worn out IYKWIM. Granny pants. I DO NOT WEAR GRANNY PANTS and no way is my arse that huge! They were even too big for SD (and she DOES have a big butt) I showed them to ex-OH - and he says..... (wait for it..... this is unbelievable)

"Those look like what BM used to wear.... well ummm she probably still does only obviously I don't see them..." *more waffle as he wanders away looking sheepish....*

Apparently someone had snuck them in SD's suitcase so she just threw them in the washing here. EEEEEUUUUUWWWWWWW! Never did work out what the real deal was. Needless to say they went straight in the outside bin.... and I bleached my hands. Wish I could have bleached my eyes.