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Drama Day

just tired's picture

Today is the day that DH & his skank-ex (BM) were married. Every year since their divorce BM stirs up some massive drama & chaos just because today is the day they got married. Never mind that she has moved on & is in a relationship; never mind that DH is with me. She feels the need to act out on this day.

So far....nothing. All quiet on the BM front. But...the day is young.

Any bets on what shit she'll stir up this year???


Can I do this's picture

Three of their anniversaries passed before BM stopped doing this. SO wouldn't even respond to her yet she would still send lyrics to "their songs," reminiscant emails, blow up his phone w/texts. Ridiculous! And yes, she was in relationships all along! One of our first few dates was this day and she went balistic with texting ... it was non-stop for several hours! Later the next summer, he actually told me what it was all about, because he didn't want me to be frightened away by her crazy when we were first dating.

bi's picture

i don't get it. last year, what would have been my 12th anniversary had i stayed chained to a moron came and went before i even realized what it was. it was the next day that i realized it. i would never send that moron anything in memory of one of the biggest mistakes of my life!~ but i guess that's the difference between me and these bm's. i don't want him. i'm glad to be rid of him. they aren't over their exes and are very jealous. i just feel disgusted when ex finds someone like himself who thinks he's acceptable.

just tired's picture

She doesn't actually want him....she prefers women. But she just doesn't want anyone else to have him....because then she can no longer control him.

What a knob she is.

Annanymous's picture

Mine claimed he couldn't remember either. Somehow, I doubt that and I believe he just doesn't want me to know so I don't feel weird or act weird.

NCMilGal's picture

I found out the date of DH's and BM's first anniversary (yes, he was an idiot who married her twice) in 2011. He swears that April 16 is a bad luck day - he married BM, and 17 years later, a tornado hit our house.

BM pitched a fit one early year because DH didn't wish her a happy birthday. TBH, he doesn't remember any of these things; I do, because SD16 is a Chatty Cathy and tells everybody everything. I'm sure that BM now knows OUR anniversary too, due to SD16. Meh, it's no big deal - BM refuses to speak to DH (it's ALL HIS FAULT of course) so there is very little drama outside of SD16 being completely miserable.