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What to say to angry SD's

Jojab1636's picture

This is my first post - but I have been reading posts for a while.  Needless to say it is nice to know we all are in this together!

I have two SD's.  One is 29 and single.  The other one is Daddy's little girl that moved to TX to be closer to mom (yet she hates her mom???).  The reason for the move was because she was pregnant and thought her mom would be better to help her out in a way that only a mom can do.  Which is fine - I get it.

Tension has been building for sometime.  Basically, they don't want their Dad to be married/happy with ANYONE.  I have been practicing disengaging which I don't think they are used to. Long story short, They totally ignore me when I'm in the room and will not acknowledge me at all.  Therefore, I thought I was doing everyone a favor by disengaging.  lol.  In August the SD from TX came to visit her Dad and stayed at our house.  I worked all day and had other things to do at night.  I pretty much stayed away. I guess they are not used to someone else being in control of the situation?  They are used to bulling someone and I wasn't there?  I guess I ruined her visit - both SD's are mad.  I wasn't even around????

  Anyway, I got a very hateful email from the 29 year old that was very uncalled for.  I am wondering what to say if she confronts me.  I have a lot to say but feel it would be better to just not go into a he said/she said kind of thing.  How do you guys deal with this?  What would you suggest I say if she catches me off gaurd and starts yelling at me.  I just want to be ready - - in a very calm but confident way (yet in a tone or way that says - You have messed with the wrong GURL.  Get ready because I'm standing my ground)  LOL - I have tolerated enough!


Any suggestions would be helpful!



ESMOD's picture

With adult SD's it comes down to expecting basic human decency.  Barring extenuating circumstances (like you were the other woman who wrecked their relationship)...there should be an expectation that you are able to be civil to one another.

things you might say?

I know it must be difficult for you.. dealing with the fact that your parent's relationship didn't work out.  Hopefully you can at least take some lessons from their situation to live your life the way you think it should be.   I wasn't there and don't know the details.  However, I love your father very much and I'm fairly certain that at the root of it all, we all want the same thing for your father.. to be happy.  I believe that your father and I ARE happy together.  I'm sorry if that is difficult for you to accept.  I have no intention of trying to replace your mother in your life, but I am your father's partner.  We don't have to love each other, shoot, we don't even really have to like each other, but we both care about the same man and we owe it to him to act civilly because in the end, he is the one most hurt when we can't get along.  I am also perfectly happy to give you space to maintain your relationship with your dad.  If you are interested in getting to know me better and developing a relationship with me.. I am also open to that, but it isn't a condition that is going to be forced on you.  The only thing that is expected is that we display common courtesy towards one another when we are at the same place.


Jojab1636's picture

Awesome suggestions!  There were no extenuating curcumstances and I'm definately not the "other women".  My husband has been divorced from his ex for about 15 years now.  We dated for about 2 years then got married.  We have been married 9 years now.  I don't know what has happened except that both girls are extremely dependant on their Dad.  The girls say they can't stand their mom.... I don't know.  But with your suggestions - I am ready should the 29 yr old unexpectedly approaches me in an angry way.

Thank you!


lieutenant_dad's picture

What does your DH have to say about all of this?

If you feel the need to respond, I would do it via email and CC your DH on it. He doesn't get to be on the sidelines while his daughters treat you with disrespect. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't even know them. He needs to set his daughters' straight and demand that they either respect you or not contact you, and continued disrespect will result in him not being around, either.

I don't know what her email said, so I can't exactly give you talking points other than to respond with, if you need to, "I'm sorry you feel that way". Nothing irritates someone trying to pick a fight more than when you shut down the fight. As tempting as it is to engage, shutting it down and walking away will accomplish far more.

Jojab1636's picture

Thank you for your suggestions.  My DH was flabbergasted and hurt when he saw the email she sent me. He apologized that she said what she said. It was very hateful and I have told my husband that I don't want her at the house.  She has some anger issues she needs to deal with first. So far, she has not been at the house.

 The email consisted mostly around how I am driving a wedge between him and them.  They don't see their DH much anymore because he is always with me and my sons (my DH played college football and my boys do as well so there is a common interest there for them).  Apparently, I am spending all of his money (we have seperate banking accounts) we both help towards the house.  Ironically enough, DH is still paying the SD's cell phone, car insurance and vet bills for the 29 year old's dog  that lives with us now because she can't find a place that takes dogs.  We live in a pretty big city - I see advertisements for apartments that take dogs.  The dog has develped some health issues that have gotten costly but she is not helping with them.  Just to add to the fire I found out the hard way the dog was not potty trained and has marking issues.  Our basement is a disaster.  I confined him to a certain part of the house and make him wear a diaper.  I discovered this years ago but I don't think she liked me making those decisions. I'm a farm girl that now lives in the city.  Where I come from it should be outside 24/  What I took from the email was it was about jealousy and money.  She also doesn't like that we are not friends on Facebook? She thinks I defreinded her. I don't use Facebook much but I am selective on who has access.  Mostly because I have a family member that is an under cover narcotics enformecment officer need to limit picture exposure (no picutres of him but a few of his family and my nieces).

Thank you!

I'm ready now!!

Aunt Agatha's picture

i don’t spend my time engaging with crazy people in public places.   I don’t defend myself nor argue with them.  I certainly don’t engage in emails or texts.

Likewise I do not deal with my SOs crazy ex in any fashion, and block her from every way known to man that she might try to contact me.

It sounds in your situation envoking the crazy person rule might be a good plan.  You aren’t going to change these bitter skids no matter what you say or do.  But ignoring them gets their goat.  So just continue doing more of that.  If your DH doesn’t like it, he can have a talk with them.  But you don’t need to be involved.



Ispofacto's picture

This.  If she finds a way to get facetime with you, play dumb.  You're a busy person, you have no idea what she's talking about.


Jojab1636's picture

Yes!  They are his problem - not mine.  He is having a hard time understanding why we just can't get along.  I think guys handle these things a lot different than females.  It's hard for him to understand all of this but I think he sees it also because he setting boundries for them.  I was surprised by this but so relieved.  I expect some day she will decide she has every right to just come over and start yelling at me but I will be ready!



StepUltimate's picture

If she does, record her blow-out and publish it on FB, with her original Attack Email, and let her face some FALLOUT. What an entitled B.

Jojab1636's picture

The email, generally speaking, spoke of how I was driving a wedge between my DH and the girls. There were many cuss words and name calling in it.  The email said that they/the girls are not stupid - they see relationship issues (my DH and I get along great until the SD's show up becasue of how bitter they are) and will do anything to protect their Dad.  They are blood, They have known him for longer than I ever will.  They have been there through more with him than I ever will.  They will fight for him more than I ever will.  I am spending all of his money.  Money that should be going to his grandson's college fund (my DH has no idea what she is talking about - this "fund" seems to be news for many. We also have seperate checking accounts).  My husband has had to get dentures becasue of his old football days but it also genetic.  My DH's Dad had dentures also.  But, They can't stand to see their Dad struggle to eat becasue he can't afford implants (he has dentures). I guess because of the stress I cause his teetch have fallen out.  I am taking advantage of him and they see right through me.  She said I coddled my children (this is where the jealousy comes in I think.  My DH played college football, my sons play college football).  I verbally abuse /yell at my DH and the threats need to stop.  This last part really made me mad.  The only time I have raised my voice to my DH has been recently because of my frustration with the SD's.  They steal my clothes, say nasty things to or about my sons (one son is high functioning autism) and act like everything is owed to them.  They think they are better than everyone.  When I heard them say somthing about my son the last time the two SD's were here I told my husband that we would leave the house if this talk continued.  That is the only threat I have ever made.  Ever!  

My response to her email  was "it sounds like you are feeling angry and bitter about some things.  You may want to seek professional help.That is all I said.  I can't help but think she is going to verbally act me one of these days and I want to be ready.

StepUltimate's picture

Nothing further needed, unless she shows up to rage.

tog redux's picture

I would just ignore it entirely.

And if my SS ever DARED to say something like that to me, my DH would rip into him like nothing he'd ever seen. I'm guessing that's not going to be the case for your DH.

Ispofacto's picture

Ignore my previous response.

You have all the reason you need to just walk away or have her removed from your home.


hereiam's picture

Had you been around during her visit, you still would have ruined it.

Although you have a lot to say, it would most likely go unheard or get twisted. If she confronts you and starts yelling at you, just walk away and let her be the crazy person. They really do hate it when others don't engage in their drama.

Where is your husband in all of this? Has he seen the hateful email?

My SD27 has not ever truly been hateful to me. She has tried to sneak in a snarky comment here and there and I pretended not to even hear her. First of all, she really is not worth it, second, I knew it was disappointing for her, as I knew it took a lot for her to muster up the courage, and she probably thought she was clever (which she is not)... all to go unnoticed. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her looking at me for a reaction. All of that effort, on her part, for nothing!

Also, she probably wanted me to say something snarky back so she could then look to her dad for support and protection from her mean 'ol step mom. A disappointing day for her, all around.

Jojab1636's picture

I will have to keep reading your response in order to take the high road with the SD's.  My husband was flabbergasted at her email.  He couldn't believe what she wrote.  I has stood by me so far.  I asked that he tell her not to come to the house for a while becasue I didn't not feel safe around her.  It is like walking on egg shells with her.  I was surprised he told her that in the first place which tells me he isn't happy about her email.  If they want to see each other, he goes to her apartment.  That makes her mad.  She doesn't understand why she can't come to the house anymore.  It is their.her house.  (We bought the house together when we got married )Blah, blah, blah.  The other daughter, who is 26 is more passive aggressive and does the snarky comments etc., When we went down to visit her in TX she would not introduce me to anyone - only introduced just her Dad.  I will be in the room or sitting right next to her and it is as if I am not there at all.  So, I have disengaged and now I have ruined everyone's vacation.  They think I ruined their vacation? Tell me about it - I took vacation time to put her entertainment center together, be told I am not her son's grandma and be ignored.  It was a blast!!! 

hereiam's picture

Well, now that I have read what kinds of things were in her email, I might not remain so quiet!

I don't think my SD would ever have the guts to say all of that (and she doesn't cuss) but IF she did, I would be tempted to set her straight on a few things but I would keep it factual and try to keep my emotions out of it. Which is hard for me (I can be pretty emotional!) and why I would rather ignore her. I don't want to get emotional with her, she is not worth it (I know that from experience).

I know how that stuff can really be upsetting, though. When my SD was 15 and was over for her weekend, she started a fight with DH and was repeating all of these lies her mother had told her (about him and about me). I was furious and said my piece, but honestly, I don't think she heard a word. To this day, she is going to believe what she is going to believe. I don't care, anymore, and actually regret that I even bothered to try to set the record straight with her. Complete waste of time and energy.

I would never put anything in writing, though, so I would not respond to an email.

Winterglow's picture

There is no point telling her what you've got on your chest because she doesn't care and she'll only use it as ammunition against you. 

If she starts yelling, just say "I will NOT be spoken to like that" as firmly as you can and walk away. Yoiu don't have to stand there and take it. If she follows you around yelling, "Talk to me when you've calmed down. I'm used to dealing with adults." and get into your car and drive away.

Booboobear's picture

Forward the letter to DH and CC her, and add " Dear DH, this is between you and SD, YOU FIX THIS!" 

Jojab1636's picture

Exactly!  He is so afraid of holding the SD's accountable.  And here we are!  I showed it to him as soon as I got hom from work. I was so mad I was shaking.  The look on his face when reading the email was of shock.  I asked him if he thought she was drinking becasue this was out of the blue and nasty.  My problem is that I don't like it when people don't like me - BUT that is changing quickly!  Not anymore!

still learning's picture

It's almost comical how complaints from disgruntled adult skids are exactly the same just tweak a detail here and there. 

  • Wants him and whatever resources he has all to themselves.
  • He doesn't need a woman in his life because his children and grands should be enough.  
  • SM is abusive, wicked and brainwashing their poor unwitting father with her hoo hoo.
  • SM needs to go!

How to deal?  Know that it isn't personal or about you, skids would hate anyone he was with.  Leave emotion out of your interactions with them.  Pretend they are clients of DH's, act professional and let him deal with them.  Forward all correspondence to him then promptly block them, and let him see them outside of your joint home since you are so horrible. 

If SD does catch you off guard with a screaming fit just give her a blank stare and confused look then go and get her father.  There is no defending yourself against these unwarranted attacks since they have nothing to do with you.  


Jojab1636's picture

Thank you.  It feels better to hear things from others.  This helps!!!  I feel more confident already.

Harry's picture

You will not be visiting my home anymore.  If you can’t respect me, stay at a hotel.  You are not going to change SD’s. Do not even try. Just makes you look weak and desperate.  There are the ones who disengage, not you. 

notasm3's picture

Ignore the whore(s).   Just tell your DH to keep them away from you. Block them every which way you can.   Just erase them 100% from your life. 

That’s what I have done. It works beautifully.  

Healyourslf's picture

Sounds like SD loves her self-induced pity parties.  What a childish, irrational and hateful email rant.  Don't waste anymore energy on it. It's futile to try and beat crazy people at their own game of delusional crazymaking.  

Ignore, disengage and distance yourself emotionally. This puts you in control and thwarts her ability to get a rise out of you. Happy, sane SMs are those who are unwilling to be bogged down by SD's whining and mud-wallowing.  

I do hope you continue to set strong boundaries and don't sell yourself short in this area. It's really up to DH to put SD in her place and demand acceptable behavior. YOU decide when and where you’ll engage with SD if at all.  Stick to your guns and keep boundaries in place when she tries to encroach upon them. She will.  Stay assertive and aware with protecting yourself from anymore SD poison...this way you won't be caught off guard.

And...have a wonderful evening knowing that you have really gotten under SD's jealous, green skin. Lol. 


Jojab1636's picture

Thank you for your suggestions.  I really am surprised she/the single 29 year old hasn't just come over anyway after being told by her father not to.  I know the SD who is living in TX right now would have by now if she still lived here.  It's just a matter of time - I know.  That is why I want to be ready for when it does.  My goal is to remain calm which if I was "attacked" unexpectedly I don't know that I could - lol. I want to say so much about their hypocritical bitter ways but, i hate to admit it, it has been rewarding to see how just walking away gets under their skin.  *yahoo*

Jojab1636's picture

Thank you for your suggestions.  I really am surprised she/the single 29 year old hasn't just come over anyway after being told by her father not to.  I know the SD who is living in TX right now would have by now if she still lived here.  It's just a matter of time - I know.  That is why I want to be ready for when it does.  My goal is to remain calm which if I was "attacked" unexpectedly I don't know that I could - lol. I want to say so much about their hypocritical bitter ways but, i hate to admit it, it has been rewarding to see how just walking away gets under their skin.  *yahoo*

SacrificialLamb's picture

My middle-aged SDs always said they did not get along with their mother either. But that is so they can keep dad wrapped around their fingers.  They know how to play one off the other.   After several years of marriage, BM is the one you can tell they want to keep happy.

I've been through all the crap you are talking about. You cannot reason with this jealous type. I tried appeasing my OSD telling her I did not want to come in between her relationship with her dad (even though she is married with children). There is nothing that you can say other than you are leaving that will make them happy. My OSD thinks that her father was supposed to move by her to help her care for her children.  Yours may think the same.

If I have one regret, it's the extent I tried to smooth things over when I was not the one with the problem in the first place. I lowered myself when there was no need to.

So the best thing is to say nothing and leave your DH to handle it. Tell him you are sorry his family is not accepting of the marriage. You deserve to live your life in peace and will continue to do so.