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family members crossing the line

JennyBunnyjj's picture

my mother in law knows how bad SS is...I emailed her to let her know neither of the kids would be going on the trip with her this wknd. She told me DH needs to stop getting so mad that he spanks SS with the belt. I told HER that we both believe in spanking with the belt if they deserve it..its all all matter of not crossing the line. She said we should give him writing assignments- ok yea sure! :? cause that will work. We tried that all last yr when he would get in trouble at school on a daily basis..hitting other kids, disobeying the teacher etc etc etc...SS refuses to listen or comply no matter what the punishment is unless its sitting on the stairs. SS is flipid and tries to bargain about how many pages he has to write..the moment he realizes he isnt going to determine how much he writes he begains to throw LOUD tantrums that last an hour! M.I.L is such a flippin hypocrite :jawdrop: she whooped the crap out of DH and her stepson as kids and has the nerve to recommend that we dont spank SS-WOWWWWWW ..i wish my mother would say that to me :O
mood: angry annoyed irritated like poison oak confrontational