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Legal Documents

JAMS2011's picture

I learned this morning that even though he is the father of the child, my husband is not legally allowed to have any copies of her birth certificate, social security card, or medicaid card unless the mother goes with him to get them. How does that work?? If she is legally allowed to go get them by her self how is he not allowed to go get them by himself? The system is really messed up sometimes. Fingers crossed that SD never has to go to the doctor when she is home or that they never need a copy of her birth certificate or social security card because my husband has tried to go to the office and get official documentation of these items for emergency purposes and every time he is turned away because he is the father and not the mother and they tell him that he has to come back with the mother.


Gabriels Mom's picture

what state do you live in? DH went and got SS's birth certificate from vital records and his social security card with no issues. If he is listed as the father on the BC I don't see how they can say he can't get the records. Heck I can go get my sister's BC because we are family....

herewegoagain's picture

Sorry, but at least for birth certificates, that is not true. Someone doesn't know what they're doing or lying…

Now as far as social security card, you can only have one. You don't get to have copies of that. Does your child not have any social security card or was it lost? If so, either of you can get one but no, you can't have multiples...

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Yup I even order my ex a birth certificate myself when we were still together. Super easy.

ltman's picture

He can get the bc online easier than going to vital records. Staffed by not too bright.

Bio-Step-Mom's picture

That is absolutely untrue.

UNLESS, like others have said, he is not on the BC. If he is then no, he does NOT need her with him to get a copy of the kids' birth certificate. That's insane.

HadEnoughx5's picture

My DH has copies of all three skids birth certificates and their social security numbers. Her being the mother doesn't make her superior to the father. Does the child have his last name? Is he on the birth certificate? That's the only way I would think Dad would not have access.