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Bill Collector Calling For Satan

Ispofacto's picture

She's never lived here or used this phone number.  I'm guessing she doesn't answer her phone, DH is her former associate and I am his new associate, so they called me.  I screen my calls because I really don't need a car warranty, but they left a voicemail saying there is a civil case against her and they need her address to serve her.  LOL.  I gladly gave them her new address.  I just wonder if she gave them our number, and I sure hope she isn't stealing my identity.

I could write a novel on her, I swear.



JRI's picture

We frequently receive collection calls for YSS54 who had a big business collapse.  I dont even want to know what all happened.  I dont answer the phone unless I know who is calling but DH84 sometimes does.  We just hang up.  Sigh.

Ispofacto's picture

Legally, they can't keep calling once you explain it's the wrong number.

I said, "I'm the exhusband's new wife", and she said, "Dang, why we bothering you then?"

They can't tell you what it's for.

It ended up making me laugh, because Satan is over 40 and has been stiffing people her whole life with impunity.  She is on disability now for faux illnesses, so I thought she'd never be held accountable for anything.  I looked up her court records today and she did get hit with a debt last summer she couldn't shield herself from, and they collected on it.  Ha.



notsurehowtodeal's picture

Bill collectors used to contact us looking for BM. I was always happy to give them whatever contact information that I could. Once we were worried BM was getting ready to leave the state with SD without telling us. A processor server called looking for her. After I provided them her contact information, they called me back after they went to her house and let me know that it did appear BM was getting ready to move. The information proved quite helpful.

CajunMom's picture

with DH's kids and his crazy ex. Take into account, we live in MY home where BM and his kids NEVER lived and I can bet I was never a contact in any of their phones nor did we ever have co-mingled accounts and zero social media presense together. Bill Collectors follow whatever direction they want to try and find said debtors. I was always very HAPPY to send them in the right direction with current addresses and phone numbers. Back then, I also had a few of BM's sisters contact info and gladly shared that, too. If I had to be bothered with the collection calls, they were going to be bothered, too. LOL

shamds's picture

Why on earth would they have their crap being sent to exhusband's home he shares with his wife or skid have debt collection notices etc sent to their parents?

previous owners of my home, son is a druggie and always getting arrested. He is living with his 20 yr old son in mummy's 1 bedroom retirement home and he owes the courts money for being arrested.

rhey sent bills here to my place and upped the debt collection costs.

i put "he moved to live with mother and her name 2 yrs ago". So far nothing yet. Any mail i get i throw in the bin. 2 yrs on, if they haven't re routed mail or notified banks etc, i aint spending the next few yrs return to sender

Ispofacto's picture

Previous owner of my phone number was a criminal with a lot of outstanding debts.  It took years for them to stop calling me.


Elea's picture

Bah ha ha, calling for satan *lol*

BM was in debt when she met DH. For some inexplicable reason he bailed her out rather than recognizing the red flags and running for the hills. 

Fast forward, a couple years after separation, mediation nearly finalized, he finds out that she ran up $10K on a joint credit card that he didn't know about. Fortunately time of disclosures had long expired and he was able to deduct that 10K from the final settlement but what a sneaky b word she is. 

I do plenty of return to sender when we get her mail. It will be interesting to see where her life goes now that the gravy train left the station.

SDiablas already sob over how come you can afford to do such and such but BM can't afford the same. Boo hoo hoo  ... How come you can take off time from work and BM can't? ... of course BM hams it up and pretends she is disadvantaged ... can't afford food, can't afford to heat the house when she really can. She just has extremely poor money management skills and frivolously spends money like a drunken sailor on nonessentials like eating out at fancy restaurants and  buying an expensive vehicle. She feels entitled to these things. 

Ispofacto's picture

I'm glad he caught that 10k!

Killjoy used to feel sorry for Satan.  For the longest time we told her Satan should get a job.  Then we switched it up and told Killjoy to get a job and turn all her paychecks over to Satan.  That shut her up real quick.


Elea's picture

I 100% think that OSDiabla gives BM money now that she has a pretty good job. We will see how long that lasts before she catches on to that it is never enough and never ending. Lol ... OSD can be pretty dense when it comes to BM. It may take awhile. 

Ispofacto's picture

It's amusing when BM's toxic representatives in our homes have to fend BM off when the toxic turns on them.  Karma.

Satan has already stated her intention of living off Killjoy when she graduates HS.  Instead of shutting down her crazy mother explicitly, Killjoy has been trying to get into schools 600+ miles away.  That doesn't seem to be working out.

DH is too kind hearted to rub it in.  I would, she deserves it.  "Oh, a school 20 miles away is interested in you?  That's great, you can room with your mom and pay her rent!"



TheAccidentalSM's picture

I'd definitely check my credit with one or two of the big credit companies.  Satan is too scary.

Merry's picture

Miraculously, we've never had a debt collection call for BM. But we did for SS, and I always gave them his number. Made DH so mad. Then a collector called for my own bio. I gave them her number too. She was an adult making bad decisions and I wasn't going to shield her from those consequences.

I wish the car warranty people would just call the student loan people and they could talk to each other.


Ispofacto's picture

She was an adult making bad decisions and I wasn't going to shield her from those consequences.

That's what makes you better parent than DH.


CLove's picture

For Toxic Troll and sometimes Feral Forger. Neither one has lived with us for several years.

Ispofacto's picture

It seems like purveyors of junk mail and collectors are able to send crap to associates of associates if they share a lastname.  I recently started getting junk mail for exH, who I divorced 25 years ago, and he never lived here.  Also, exBF's daughter, who never lived here, but he did.


Sandybeaches's picture

Call the post office.  Tell them the last names of those you want and will receive mail for.  Explain it is not your responsibility to re=direct these people’s mail.  They will put in a stop for all the mail that should not be coming to your house.  We do this with BM   The order has to be renewed every 18 months or we wait until we start getting things again which can take years.

Sandybeaches's picture

I happens to us often.  Bascially it is the connection to your DH and then it relates to you.  Many sights that collect identity make assumptions based on connections such as address or phone number.  It seems to be if they have little information about someone they run with whatever hit they get as a connection.  PPL is a big one, my life and US Phonebook.  US Phonebook often has closer to accurate information.  and it is a good source when you are trying to find out who owns a phone number especially cell phones.

We too happily give out BM's information so that bill collectors can find her!!  It's the little things in life... :)