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Watching my husband take the crumbs from the SD is painful and makes me not like her yet she takes his money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

inky2034's picture

Both SK's stay 100 percent loyal to the BM and his son chooses not to talk at all to us! His daughter only when she wants husband pays 1/2 her rent, gas, cell phone bill, grocery's and she works full time... she's 24 and his son is unemployed yet gets supplemented by his BM ( are you not glad you are married to him) ...she does not get that she's hurting her two kids from growing on their own......all this behavior makes me not like either kid. The son will have nothing to do with my husband....we have tried to stay strong as a couple. When his son asked my husband to not bring me to a college graduation, my husband said we would come together or not at, that's one of the reason's why his son is not talking to him anymore.....there were 4 yrs between his last marriage but the daughter has seem to have more issues with it than the son.....anyone out there with NO kids and married for the first time and experience this?????


novemberm's picture

A polluted gene pool is a great way to sum up my boyfriend's kids and his ex. I look at her and I see what they will be like in 20 years. And what scares me is when they start having their own kids-OMG.

novemberm's picture

I feel your pain. I am in an almost 2 year relationship with my boyfriend. He is wonderful. However, his adult children-18,19,22-are horrible. The 18 year old son sent a vile email a few months ago in which he disowned his dad-he claims he will not speak with him again until he dumps the whore (that would be me). The 19 year old son is mad at me because I won't let his minor girlfriend in my home. He also talks to me like I am something on the bottom of his shoe. The 22 year old daughter sneers at me, and because we wouldnt let her move in with us, she has also decided I am a an evil bitch. She refuses to work more than 20 hours a week, and the older son refuses to work at all. The younger son is busy making pot brownies and posting pics of himself high on Facebook. The daughter is the most determined to break us up, but my bf has FINALLY started to see the light, and is no longer enabling these awful people. He still has a lot of guilt, though, but they have been so nasty lately, and so irresponsible that he is no longer buying them stuff and feeding into their games. He doesnt have a lot of money, but he was giving as much as he could. And getting nothing but disrespect back.

I do not have children, and these lovely young adults have told my bf he cannot have children with me. They act like babies, and I do believe they want him back with their mom, who is a MESS. She is a reality show in herself. They are very loyal to her, and I believe she and the children all have attachment disorder and God knows what else. No compassion, no love. My bf is simply a paycheck. It is sad and very scary.

His only obligation now is child support for the 18 year old who has already failed a year of school. All 3 constantly ask for money and things, and bc I am around, they blame me for not getting what they want, when the reality is my bf could not keep up with their demands. Before he bought the house (which is a teeny tiny place) he did pay for cell phones and other things. Not now. He realized he was being made a fool, especially when the boys sent a picture to him where they were flipping him off.

Your husband needs to stop supporting his daughter! NOW! She either needs to find another job or reduce her bills. My bf's daughter wanted him to rent her an apartment and pay for her car. I can see helping out once in a while, but they will never grow if you do what your husband is doing.

My bf's ex also feels that he should support "the kids" forever. They have no accountability with her. She has never worked, and seems to think that is ok for them. You are in the same boat, bc like you said, your stepkids' mom doesnt want them to grow. So sad.

Your husband is being totally taken advantage of, and it is disgusting that she only talks to him when she wants something-that is EXACTLY what is happening in my situation. One day we got 32 texts bc the one son wanted a brand new computer. Unless your husband does something now, it will only get worse.

inky2034's picture

Thanks for your help. I have been told by "professionals" to stay out of all of it and that's what I have done. Only when it effects me do I say something to my husband ....that when he gets tired of be taking advantage of, then he will have to decide what the boundaries are...I think he is afraid of losing his daughter since his son is not talking or seeing him. It seems to be like emotional black mail to me. The daughter knowingly uses her power because she knows her dad will put up with anything not to lose her. I realize that whoever I was they would both not take to the Stepmom. Just hard to watch. thanks for your imput as it makes me feel better.

Done WIth It's picture

It's not's going to be any woman this man is with. He's got 3 kids that want to funded. He's not doing it. They're mad.

Friend are going through the same hell...only, it's their 19 year daughter who expect them to dole over the bucks. After all, they've "lived" their life and when they were young, they should have done all the things in life. Now, they're old (late 40's) and they should just stay at home, continue to work, and buy her a house, pay for her car, and let her live the good life.

Isn't this just amazing. It never occured to the girl the reason they have money in the bank and everything paid off, they worked hard, saved, and now planning to travel and breathe easier.

Hell no...she wants their money and mommy and daddy stay home and watch tv.

Hows that for being thoughtful to the parents who went out of their way for her.

Kids...amazing how they feel they're entitled and expect you to give them the "trust fund" good life.

herewegoagain's picture

That's what the COURTS and lazy BMs have created. You see, "society and the courts" (with of course, the whining of the BMs" talk about KIDS DESERVE THS SUPPORT OF THEIR PARENTS...but they fail to specify "A FREAKING ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD, FOOD and CLOTHING!" and yes, they also fail to specify "KIDS ARE UNDER 18!!!"