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Imustbcrazy's picture



Colorado Girl's picture

I'm telling you, men just need a swift kick in the butt sometimes - or call Cruella and her frying pan...

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Stepmom_C's picture

I didn't post you yesterday but read all of it! What is it with Lifetime Movies? I LOVE THEM! And my DH can't stand them either. Too funny Smile

Glad it worked out for you.

goingcrazy's picture

I am sorry I didnt post on your blog yesterday. I was sitting at the computer getting ready to, then got a business call that lasted over an hour, which made me run late for picking the kids up. But I am sooooo glad that he realized and that you won that battle. I think our men know when our StepTalk sisters are involved, the world moves! I know you all have proved that to Jay many times.

And the comment about the Sisterhood of the Traveling pants made me laugh my ass off!!!!

Imustbcrazy's picture

I told him I needed a break from that guy. He was over Saturday night, we were with them Tuesday night and I needed a break. He is one of those LOUD obnoxious types that is funny for about 10 minutes then you are searching for his OFF BUTTON. I missed the end of my movie but we had dinner, then made popcorn and watched Spiderman 3 while the trick or treaters came around. In all, it was a good evening. And this morning he has been super sweet. He has this thing... he makes up crazy pet names that make NO sense when he texts me, like.... this morning it was YOU ARE MY ROYAL FART STINK... and it is new and different EVERY TIME HE TEXTS, sometimes I am his PRINCESS TOOTBERRY, you get it, so you can understand when his text yesterday was so blunt why I responded with WOW I FEEL LOVED. So he is back to normal self today. Of course Cory isn't around... but he will be put to the test with that soon enough.

Daddys Gurl


MamaJenn24's picture

but I'm glad things worked out. Which Lifetime movie was it?

Yup, sometimes we need to kick some butts with our men and not put up with any crap...they need to know that they're not always "all that and a bag of chips"...we just need to bring them back down into the real world and give them some needed perspective every once in a while.

I'm not saying all men are like this but I find that a lot of men are like martinis: dry, very cold and they think they are fabulous because of the two olives dangling down at the bottom of their swizzle stick...Anonymous...

Have a good day everyone!


Sasha's picture

Woot Woot!

You go girl!

Don't forget: men don't get hints. They need to have everything spelled out for them in black and white. Poor dears, they can't help it!