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I literally just LOL'd...there is no possible way anyone can be this stupid.

IAmALady77's picture

OMG, and the insanity continues....

SO this morning: SD is awake now, you said last night you were picking her up early this morning so whats the plan?

SO(several hours later after no response): ok well we're just finishing up lunch now and then she is taking her nap so we'll just see you at 4 then.

BM: well whenever I ask you to take her early you just assume I don't want her so yeah I'll come get her since you don't want to spend time with your fucking daughter.

SO: no, BM I didn't ASK you to come get her early, you TOLD me you were last night so I was just seeing when you were planning on coming since you made such a big deal about missing her last night, do you not remember? Regardless, she is down for her nap now so nevermind, we will see you at 4.

BM: yeah I miss her when shes not with me and I hate her being with you. I just hate her being with you because you are a horrible worthless excuse for a parent.

I litterally laughed out loud. How dumb is that??! After keeping us up half the night, I missed my show, hours of texts and calls saying how she can't survive the night without her kid adn then leaving voicemails saying to have SD ready at 11 at night because she was coming to pick her up...are you freaking kidding me?!

What kind of mother would wake her child up and drag her out of bed in the middle of the night in a thunderstorm no less! (west MI anyone?)


And then when SO trys to let her pick her up early this morning because THAT IS WHAT SHE SAID SHE WAS GOING TO DO, she trys to turn it around on him not wanting his daughter.

give me a freaking break. Im glad we didnt take her seriously and actually wake a 2 year old up in the middle of the night considering she never showed up obviously. unreal.


knucklehead's picture

Is there a CO for visitation?
If so, just stick to it and stop all this back and forth with BM. BM may be crazy as hell, but so are you two if you insist on engaging with her. Wink

IAmALady77's picture

Oh yes there is a CO and we typically do stick to it Smile SO is just trying to play nice so when they go in front of the referee he has proof that he was offering to be flexible and accomadating blahblahblah.

Because if he hadnt said anything this is how it would go:

BM: well I just missed my daughter so much and he wouldnt let me see her even though I offer him extra time all the time!!

SO: dragging our daughter out in a thunderstorm in the middle of the night is not in her best interest, she was sleeping.

BM: WELL I said I would come get her in the morning and you never said if I could or not!

SO: *crickets

so you see, I have become a pro at imagining every possible reason and scenario behind her craziness....therefore that is why he replied once last night and made an effort to contact her today.

Just trying to cover all bases at all times...exhausting.

overworkedmom's picture

You guys need a CO in place with specific times and all. Good lord, waking a 2 yr old up in the middle of the night, what was she thinking? Then no response in the morning, she sounds like a first class mom!

IAmALady77's picture

there is a CO, see past couple blogs to understand the level of crazy this girl is at :/