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exFDH's sister is going to be working at the same place I do

honey0's picture

exFDH has a sister, that absolutely hated me while I was with him. I don't know what she thinks now, but I'm sure she's not fond of me, anyway. She's going to be working at the same place I do,and she'll proably be a superior to me. Even if she isn't, I'm going to be around her for 8 hours , 5 days a week. Occasional Saturdays. Or prolonged work days.
I am terrified.


3familiesIn1's picture

This is your chance to set a good example for your DD and stand up to bully XSIL. Nobody has the power to make another person terrified. XSIL is just a person - do not give her that power.

StickAFork's picture

So... not like in the same building or for the same company, but actually working WITH her, seeing her daily?

Oh, FUN. Not.

I don't envy you.

If she will be your direct supervisor, I would suggest talking to HR. If this woman hates you, it could spell trouble for your job. Sad

But don't be terrified. Don't give her that power over you.

honey0's picture

She already works for the same company, she is moving to the same building and she will work WITH m , office to office (connecteed), cooperation necessary every day, at almost all time. If gets a superior position, she'll have a bigger office and I'll have a smaller one in front of hers (connected but not the same),probably sharing it with someone else.

RedWingsFan's picture

Human Resources Dept. They handle all employee related issues like these. Smile

Good luck!

honey0's picture

Thank you Smile
I feel more calm now after talking to you all about it , though I don't think that a recorder would help. or human all

oneoffour's picture

Then hold your head high and if she makes some crap remark just say "Look, I eventually saw what you all saw, we were not a good fit. I am sure you and I can get along professionally."

By this comment you make her feel good and she thinks you are saying her brother is better than you and in fact you are saying you are well rid of his crazy-arsed family.