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BM finally moved out of FDH dad's house!

goodwitch's picture

I've waited four years to celebrate this. She is out and not coming back. There toward the end it did look like she planned to move back in in 6 months and I thought she was going to dump her dog on us. Hooray she figured it out like a big girl and got it all handled. For background it is a long story but to try to sum it up, my FDH's dad bought a house "for the kids" to keep pumkin 1 & 2 in "the school district". Well it was suppose to be until they finished high school, well in a few months they will be able to legally drink. She hardly paid anything while she lived there.

Best part a few months ago the current brother-in-law moved in the house with her. See he was unemployed late 50's and I helped him get a job here. Well he is married to the daughter of the house owner and BM has been saying for years she's moving so why not right. While sharing space BM rants about how his wife's family needs to take care of her forever. Brother-in-law tells dad the owner. Guess what she's out and not welcome to return.

So happy, I did not end up with the dog, cat, snake, lizard or kids (really adults who can't care for themselves). I'm waiting for something to go wrong. I truly doubt she will just go away. . .