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Confusing Roles for Fulltime SMs

Frustr8d1's picture

Earlier, someone posted, "You CANNOT be your kids friend, you are their PARENT. Period. Parents should never try to be their kids friend. And she CAN be their friend because she's NOT their parent."

I couldn't agree more! With my own bios, I always believed I cannot be my kids' friend. They need a parent, not a friend. They need guidance.

But, what if the tables are turned? I am full time SM (so mom by default) to SD9 because loser BM is completely out of the picture. 3 visits in 3 yrs. During each visit, BM assumes the role of FRIEND instead of parent. I'm sure that seems natural since BM never sees SD. But, when SD visits BM and has no rules, no teaching, no training, no life lessons, no cleaning, no homework, no "real life," if makes it extremely difficult when we get SD back and she thinks we are mean and "not fun" because we are required to make her clean her room, do homework, brush her teeth, etc. Of course we do plenty of fun things with her too but SD just hates us for having the smallest parental expectations.

Also, it really makes it impossible for me, as full time SM, to be like so many other SMs who get to try and be part-time "cool aunt," "friend" whatever. I'm stuck. With my own bios, I always believed I cannot be my kids' friend. They need a parent, not a friend. But, with SD, I can't be her friend, and I am NOT her parent.


imjustthemaid's picture

It is hard. My SD16 lives with us fulltime. BM was not granted visitation but she didn't want to see her daughter anyway. For years I tried to parent SD they way I was parenting my DD. It made her hate me. Then all of a sudden BM is back in the picture and she thinks she is SD's best friend. She calls her "girlfriend" and they take selfies together and go to the mall. She lets her friends sleep at her house so she can go to the bar (only if they babysit her younger kids)

I cannot be SD's friend because she walks all over me. I cannot be her parent because I am NOT her parent. It sucks! I don't want to be my bios friend so I parent them the correct way.

I no longer parent SD at all. I don't tell her to do her homework, clean her room, do laundry. I say nothing except ask your dad. But she is also 16 so she is capable of doing things on her own. When she was younger and didn't do her homework, she would blame me all the time because I didn't tell her to do it. Ugh! Cannot win!

Unhappy's picture

It's the same for those of us that have steps 50% of the time. Atleast for me it is. I try to parent the Skids like I would parent my own bio. Hasn't worked out that well for me if you've read any of my recent posts.

With you, I think once she grows up and has kids she'll see everything that you've done. Most of us don't really realize what or how helpful the things that our parents have done until we are put in the same position. We never turly realize the sacrafices our parents have made for us. Just my opinion.

I never try to be part time cool aunt friend. It wouldn't earn me any respect.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I am a parent to all my kids, steps included. Not a friend. I would never be confused as a friend..ever }:)

Clearly An Upgrade's picture

This thread just confirms to me once again that we just can't win, no matter what stance we take. I've tried both tactics with SD17.5. She responded best to me as a parent, until BM beat it into her that I'm NOT SD's parent. Then I took a more hands-off approach, and just did the "offer a listening ear" thing. Which morphed into SD asking for parental advice and support. The last sixteen years have been an awkward "dance" of sorts, one foot in, one foot out.

When SD lived with us full-time and BM was MIA, I was decidedly "mom". The second BM felt her psychological control over SD slipping, we were right back to "Clearly's NOT your MOM!!!", which SD reacted intensely to, pushing me away to appease BM.

The outcome at this point? SD has NO mother, just a BM that acts as a friend most of the time (and "parent" with regard to over the top punishments for the smallest of infractions), and a SM that is too jaded and afraid to get involved anymore due to the past dynamics of being f*cked with emotionally for years. SD also has NO FATHER, because BM also successfully alienated him from SD too. His hands are tied just as much as mine.

Who won? Absolutely NO ONE. Especially not SD....who is now the poster child for nervous, unsure of her every move, child of a ONS. It could have, should have, been different, but it is what it is now. Hopefully someday SD finds the inner strength to pry her BM's claws out of her heart, but I'm certainly not holding my breath for that day. I didn't create it or break it, and can't fix it. It hurts every single day. But what can I do? I'm just the step...whatever.

Frustr8d1's picture

Good insight, clearlyanupgrade. I love the way you describe the situation.

It makes me think of adopted kids having to learn that the people who they grow up with and who raise them ARE their family. My SD wants to bite the hand that feeds her and will alienate herself from everyone in the end. She wants to kiss BM's ass (the person who abandoned her and has no contact) when she sees her a total of 3 weeks in 3 yrs, yet she decides to alienate and shit on us who raise her and care for her 24/7.

So, in the end, I'm afraid SD will have no BM (she could careless), no SM (I'm getting worn thin), no half-sister (she uses her and throws her under the bus every chance she gets), and DH is getting tired of being shit on even though he will be the only one left for her in the end. SD will surely reject him too.