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I'm living in General Hospital!

Frankman925's picture

This is my first time writing...I need to vent and see if there is anyone out there who is going through my situation! My SD12 recently came to live with us full-time after her mother (if that's what you can call her) decided she is just "too depressed" to take care of her. Meanwhile, the BM has been seen around town having dinner, drinks, shopping, etc. During this transition, I was pregnant with our 2nd child. I am now dealing with some postpartum depression along with a 12 year old girl who thinks she rules the world. She has learned how to lie and manipulate from her BM and I don't like that attitude being around my children (2 yo boy and 1 month girl). I have never had a good relationship with her and it's deteriorating. She is spoiled like her BM...there is a wealthy "friend" who bought them a house, Mercedes, etc. I'm not jealous, for my H provides well for me...if anything, I feel as if I'm competing with my SD. She will make comments to my son like "you just can't get enough of your big sister"...and I think she does it because she knows it irritates me. Is it bad of me to say that I just don't like her? Just the site of her raises my irritation level, especially now with a newborn in the house and being sleep deprived. She is lazy and tried to act like my equal. I keep being told that the schedule is going back to normal the first of the year, but if it doesn't, I might go crazy. With the holidays coming up, I physically get ill at the thought that she might be here Christmas morning with me, when all I want is my husband and two kids alone. I don't want to share anymore of my life with her. This may all sound's hard summing up 7 years!


Sia's picture

and you don't sound garbled at all! Just sound like most of the rest of us here! What does DH have to say about how you feel?

secondwife20's picture

We can be new together!

I can understand where you're coming from... every time I see SD8 or even hear about her, I cringe.

Does DH do anything about SD's behavior?

sarahbernheart's picture

our little corner of hell..
we have a good time here, LOL
I first came on here cuz I couldnt stand my FSkids coming over, I hated the fact that all our time was commanded by this little aliens ....
I found this site and have done better but I am lucky we only get them EOW and every other week during the summer.
what you feel is not freakish. NORMAL.
tell us more!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

melis070179's picture

I feel the exact same way. I don't want to share my life with "SS"...I hope you get your life back! I just told my DH yesterday that if SS ever had to come live here, I would divorce him. Probably not true, but I can pretend. I'd be miserable though. No way could I deal with it!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

disgusted's picture

Welcome..Nope your not alone alot of us are in the same boat and feel exactly the same way...My step brat (girl age 12) has lived under my roof 24/7/365 for the past 9 years...I have kept her during two of hubbies deployments...Had I known it was going to be this way I never would have married him...I have no problem saying that I detest my step brat and can't wait for the day that she is 18 because I am buying her luggage and showing her the door...That is if we stay married that long...


In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities.

worried about the kids's picture

I just joined this site yesterday. I was afraid that I was going to drive my family and friends on what I am going thru. My problem is not really the kids, its their BM! I just got recently married and she didn't even exist in their lives until we got engaged. She has custody of 1 and my H has custody of 2.They have not been together for over 5 years but she is still living in the past. She blames him for all her current issues (money etc) She is always in debt even though she has a great job that pays well.She has now gone as far as filing a motion in family court to have the 2 we have to live with her. She finally broken them down after every other weekend making them feel guilty that they live with their father. THey say she crys and whines until she gets what she wants. She has even let the oldest have free reign with no rules.

Before they were divorced she had all 3 kids in special education and even had the middle one believing he is "retarded". All she is interested in is getting a check either from the government or from child support. The 2 my H has has been on honor roll and seem happy normal kids.

We have hired a great attorney and I have been keeping documentation of all her stunts that she has been doing for a year. My H is confident but I am constantly worried for many reasons. I don't have any problem paying child support but she doesn't seem like she would ever put the kids needs first and spend the money on herself.