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Yep, It's All About Me

FMSL's picture

As a SM, I am so tired of being accused of thinking everything is all about me and my feelings when it should be all about the skid. In fact, nothing is about me. I'm the one pushed aside for a rude manipulative child. It's not that I am mad or offended about the way SD talks to me and interacts in strange ways. I'm mad about the way SD interacts with DH. I'm mad about the way SD interacts with BD. I'm disgusted about the was SD interacts with her friends. I don't really care how she interacts with me I just don't like the way she interacts. Period.

So maybe it is all about me---it's all about me being the only one who sees the rude obnoxious inappropriate behavior!


Cocoa's picture

let him think what he wants. if he doesn't like it, he can always leave. sounds like you haven't been standing up for yourself ENOUGH! if you were, he would never say these words. stop putting yourself last. he'll let you, even wants this. if you want a child and your dh refuses based on this ridiculous notion of his, that would be a deal breaker for me. this man is not looking out for your best interest (a job he swore he would do), so it's left for YOU to do it. when he doesn't want you out of his sight tell him to suck it and go do what you want. when you stand up for yourself and stop allowing yourself to be put last, you'll be amazed how your life changes. the way you're going, YOU are putting YOURSELF last! nobody respects that. they'll bitch, moan, groan, complain when you start, try to get you to go back to being a doormat, but they'll eventually RESPECT you. if he leaves, he didn't love you to begin with.