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The drama continues....

fedupstepdad's picture

So a few weeks ago i posted about buying the house of my dreams for my family and that SD was upset because she was given the smallest bedroom (see previous posts to get history on bartticus maximus). Well on Thanksgiving with all of the family here at my old house for one last celebration she was asked by her grandmother if she was excited about moving into the new house. She said "No, to be honest i've been thinking about going to live with my dad since it seems i'm not important enough to get the big bedroom in the new house!" My wife and her family were stunned. It was an absolute kick in the f**kin teeth to all of them because at one point or another they have ALL helped out with my wife's daughter and her continuing saga with BD. My wife had tears in her eyes and it took everything she had in her not to cry but once again you can just see this piece of sh!t putting a knife into my wifes heart. How could she do this especially in front of her family like that. I seriously have to wonder just how far this kid will go to get what she wants. But I also know that for all of her big talk, she would NEVER want to go live with her father full time. So I did what anyone like me would have done..."You want to live with your dad, then great, if thats truly what you want I hope you are happy living there. But don't think for one second that this is anyone elses fault but your own. You are the one who decided not to be responsible and clean up after yourself, do what you were told, lie, etc etc. You have no one to blame but yourself and if you think anything different you are sadly mistaken." Her response, "Well at least my dad LOVES me!" I laughed a hearty laugh and said, if you believe that is what love is then you have a lot to learn. I said "So if I gave you the big bedroom that would prove how much I love you?" She said Yes. I said well I love you but there is NO WAY YOU ARE GETTING THAT BEDROOM! She stormed off crying and my wife and her families immediate response was to go after her and at the top of my lungs I yelled SIT DOWN! I explained that this is why she was the way she was and that if you go after her you are doing exactly what she wants. It took a few minutes but everyone resumed eating and talking like before and after about 10 mins the whole incident was forgotten about. Well now SD comes down in a huff and says with tears in her eyes "How come no one loves me? No one came after me to see if I was ok? You kept on having a good time without me, how could you do that knowing I was hurt? I answered her with, "We do love you, you just don't know what love is." This entire family has gone to the mat for you and you don't think twice about it. We have all sacrificed time, effort, money things we didn't have but we came up with and you dismiss it because you believe it is something you are owed. No one at this table OWES you anything, they do because they love you...THATS what love is...not giving you everything you want and letting you have your way all the time. She stayed quiet and then went to go back and sit in her chair and I told her "You want to be part of this dinner, fine, but not before you apologize to this entire family for what you have done." to which her mom added "And know that you will be punished for causing a scene at this dinner table." I was so proud of my wife. Truly! Shes starting to get it and I know it will be hard but she is starting to see the big picture now and knows that how she's been handling her daughter up to now has been part of the reason shes like this. SD apologized and sat back down and Thanksgiving dinner resumed as before. After all was said and done, my brother in law found me and said "I just wanted to let you know how happy we are that you came into SDs life" She really needed someone like you and she's lucky to have someone who cares so much. It was possibly the nicest compliment I've had in 20 years. AND SHE'S STILL NOT GETTING THE BIG BEDROOM LOL!!!


sufferingbastard's picture

Good job and Glad you got the SD family support!

Maybe it will sink in...... at least let's hope so....

I am jealous if I did that everyone would just say I acted like a bastard

buttercup123's picture

Good for you. I think that a large part of the problem is that she DOESN'T understand what love is. You hit the nail on the head. She measures love by material things. You dealt with that perfectly and I'm also proud of your wife:)