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My birthday...

fairyo's picture

last year I had a significant birthday- I threw a big party at our home for family and friends. TheX didn't even send me a card...just hung around looking miserable on the photos. 

One year later and I have not seen or spoken to him for months. The house I loved should sell in a matter of days. I've heard nothing from him...except to say he would not be contactable this week, as if I would have thought about doing so....!

Despite all my problems I've had a great day- people really put themselves out to make me feel loved and respected and needed. I feel years younger than I did this time last year and I feel I have so much more to look forward to than I could ever have imagined this time last year.

I can't wait to get on with my life and fill this coming year full of great things.


Harry's picture

Happy Birthday,  have a exceptional day 

StepUltimate's picture

Love your post. What a great attitude to start this new year if life with. Rock ON!

Kes's picture

A very happy birthday to you, fairyo - I am delighted that you had a good one, and that your life has turned a corner and things are looking very positive now.  Very pleased also that the house may shortly be sold - fingers crossed!  A big cyber kiss and hug from me to you!  *kiss3*  edited to say  - why don't these damn smilies work?  :-( 

fairyo's picture

There were moments yesterday when I remembered past birthdays with TheX- the holidays we had, the lovely thoughtful presents and the parties. He played a good game of making me feel special but it couldn't be sustained. I also remembered XOSDs insistence on taking me out for a birthday lunch- venue of her choice, rubbish presents, and the biggest tantrum I have ever seen in public from a woman in her 40s with children of her own. TheX did and said nothing, whilst I tried to placate her. I should have learned from that experience on that day.

Last year I had a great party, but something in me knew it would be the last- I had already met you wonderful strangers who had never met me but somehow knew the disillusion and isolation I was feeling. I owe you so much you will never know.

Yesterday was crazy- my daughter and grandkids somehow squashed themselves into my home full of boxes- but we didn't sleep great. I started the day feeling tired and depressed- but slowly it unfolded. I met up with some of my siblings, and my great nieces and we enjoyed ice-creams in the sun and ran through fountains in the rain. It was a crazy day but I ended it knowing how truly loved and blessed I am.

Thank you for your words-you are wonderful people and very special lo me. 

Siemprematahari's picture

Happy Birthday and wishing you many blessed and happy more. It takes a strong woman to know she deserves better and you picked youself up and made it happen.