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I'm so tired of this

EvilGrin's picture

After almost 3 and half years I have went from hopefully cautious to just freaking disgusted and fed up. I wish almost, that I would have never given him a chance and went on that first date. I thought it would be fine - of course, I never ever ever planned or wanted to live with him and didn't think I'd have to. After both of us being homeless for 8 months the low cost housing I found had to have a 2nd person on the lease (I don't know why considering how many of our neighbors lived by themselves, guess they had someone lie and say they were on the lease/living there.) So I had to have him move in. That pretty much started our fighting. Two adults, two kids, 2 cats in a small 2 bdrm 1 bath. The noise, noise, noise! The kids are not happy or entertained unless they're staring at a damn TV or playing with a tablet, watching stupid crap and listening to terrible music. It doesnt help that BF SNORES like a chain saw. So I get no sleep when they skids are around for sure, and not a lot when he's around either. The youngest acts like a baby. Talks like a baby. And has no brain whatsoever. Selfish, spoiled, and she HAS to have attention. We can not sit down in our apt with other adults and have conversations with them without her crawling on the BF and poking at his face and putting her head an inch away from his, to make sure she's the center of his attention. In front of guests! And instead of him disciplining her and telling her that when we're talking to adults it's not 'her time' he just lets her keep on doing it. He lets them run through the apt and jump and rough house. The cats are stressed out by them I think. Their room (which is bf's room) is filthy and has food everywhere generally. Clothes everywhere on the floor. This leads to the cats thinking it's another litter box when it gets disgusting. And I have a theory I have to keep track of. The kids running around and bothering them leads to them hiding in the bedroom with me (yes I hid in my bedrm cuz they take over the living room in our small apartment) and since the living room is where the litter box is, they pee on the bathroom rug because they don't want to go anywhere near where the kids are running around. I yell at them to stop running in the apartment. They know not to run. I've always told them not to run, jump, or rough house in the apt. They can go outside. We selected our place because it has a big private backyard. Do they go outside? No. 'They're Bored outside' or 'there's bugs outside.' They do not want to do anything except for TV/electronics. I have given up and refuse to clean their & their dad's bedroom anymore. I'm very OCD about everything being clean and organized. I grew up in a house that is 'full' of crap. He says he did too (I call bs, because his divorced parents have very clean and very little possessions) but yet I have to fight with him to get him to help out with the cleaning. We split everything and take turns cleaning. He acts like it is terrible to make the children clean or pick up after themselves. My rear car windows (we only have one running vehicle, MINE, and I've been doing all the driving for over a year because he lost his license) are filthy with their grubby finger marks all over them from last winter. Here it is OCT and after asking for MONTHS, he still hasn't cleaned my windows. My car has gotten destroyed from them. The rear doors are coming off the frame and are filthy. The backs of my seats have gotten kicked and are dirty too. Of course he doesn't care cuz his vehicles were always filthy and unkept. I'm currently staring at dry ramen noodles all over the living room (god forbid they eat at a table instead of in front of the TV...) I told him to tell them not to run in the apt this weekend. He refused, saying they're playing. I told him, there is a HUGE, MASSIVE, half an acre backyard they need to be doing that in. But nope, them playing outside is just not good enough for the princesses. We've had multiple fights were he's told me I know nothing about children because I don't have my own, and that I get no say in anything about them. Biggest crock of crap I've ever heard. Babying them like he does and letting them sit all day/weekend long in front of a TV is more damaging to their bodies and minds that yelling at them to go outside and play and making them 'do things.' Also when I have tried to bring up anything like how he's the parent and is suppose to be teaching them common sense things like turning off lights and not letting the water run, or to wear warm clothes when it's snowing, "THAT'S INAPPROPRIATE!" He says.

So i'm about done. If I have no say in how they act in what is HALF my apt, with HALF my things in, and my car is the only one being destroyed, I just don't feel like he respects me or the fact that if he really wants me in my life, I can't come second and be treated like shit because of them. I'm not second rate or just 'a roommate.' If I was rich, I would have moved out months ago. I want my own place that will stay clean, and my things won't get destroyed, or jumped on, or trashed. The cats wouldn't be stressed and make messes because they feel 'trapped.' He took them for two weeks to his mom's place and it was me and the cats by myself. Best time ever. I seriously didn't want him to come back. I started having anxiety and getting angry because the peace and quiet was going to be shattered. Everytime they're coming to stay with us, I try to work more and late. I don't want to go home, to my own freakin' home! If I didn't care about him so much, and if he wasn't my favorite person - he is pretty perfect for me, but unfortunately he had kids (that he didn't even want, he just didn't think to speak up for himself and say he didn't want kids, or wear a condom.) He's known since the beginning of our relationship, I don't want kids, to get married, or to live with who I'm dating. Learned that after years of being engaged and having to break it off. I feel we'd be a lot happier like the first two years of our relationship when we had separate places and I didn't HAVE to be around his spoiled, crazy children. I tried to hang out with friends and bring them, and after HOW PSYCHO they'd act when we'd go to friends (who even have kids and toys and a kid's room to play in) I decided I'm never doing anything with my friends and bringing them. If I had my own place, I could hang out with friends when I wanted to and use weekends to myself to relax and have 'me time.' Between living with him and half our weekends with kids, I don't have time for much of the things I want to do with my life. The last year and half has been hell. I'm hoping and looking for a supppper cheap place by myself, but because it's a college town, rents are inflated and overpriced. I think all this venting has helped. We'll see.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Your poor thing. He is not the right person for you, and you need to end the relationship before your health breaks from all the stress you're under.

Start looking online for a roommate, and get out!

oneoffour's picture

So tell us how you really feel... Wink
I would move. Find another place to live. And just move.
Now it may take until late Spring to move once the town empties out for Summer. But make it a plan to be gone.

And frankly, your BF isn't all that. He disrespects you. He allows his feral children to trash the apartment and your vehicle. That isn't prefect. That is a guy with fatal character flaws.

I wonder about your past life. How did you get to this stage where you allowed someone to treat you like this? You seem pretty articulate. You are forthright and very smart. Yet you have allowed a man to mistreat you and your life like this for 18 months?

As far as the children are concerned .... I would vaccuum in front of them while they are watching TV. Practice an evil stare. Something to scare the crap out of them. Pull away from your BF. Make life difficult for him. And find the happy person inside you again.

uofarkchick's picture

If it's a college town, you will have no problem finding a roommate. Since you're in low cost housing, I can understand that it's stressful looking at rental prices. And breaking a lease is stressful too. But this isn't the guy for you. He lives in a bedroom with two disgusting kids and it's covered in food and cat filth. He has no respect for himself or his space. He sounds like a loser. It sounds like you've overcome some major obstacles recently. Please don't settle for anything less than wonderful.

uofarkchick's picture

If you could only see my mental picture of the spray bottle... I love your way with words.

EvilGrin's picture

OH man, if I yell at them to quit jumping, running etc he gets pissed at me! And as I just found out tonight, if I tell him to tell them to quit misbehaving and to do something about it, then he gets even more pissed. I've asked a friend if he wants to look for a place next summer, or sooner if he can get out of his lease. I don't think it's up until August. I found out tonight that me asking the basics of no running/jumping/bed-jumping/couch-jumping is just absolutely "crossing the line" and that is is "unacceptable" for me to ask him to have his children behave like they're inside instead of at a zoo. Me, who he lives with, who he shares a home with, god-forbid I ask/have some say in what happens IN MY HOME. The cats and I apparently come 2nd. I asked him, "Do you expect to be able to live with a partner and not respect their wishes for the home?" He wouldn't answer. Kept on going on about, "they're the most well behaved children!" No, my niece is not allowed to run/jump in the house, nor does she get to spend 24/7 with the TV or a tablet or an iphone glued to her face. Even though she still has behavior issues, she's the best kid behaved kid I know!!

It's the only thing I ask - well besides he pick up after their messes because I will not do it. But apparently that's too much. I just wish he would realize that in an equal, adult relationship, he's not going to find a lot of partners, or even roommates to split a home with, that don't ask for the same basic respectful rules. He has only lived with his ex-wife of 10 years. He has never had another serious relationship, nor lived with a woman he wasn't married to besides me. I don't know what lala land he's living in, thinking that only he exists and god forbid his children have to follow rules when he splits a home with someone else that is not their mother. I am SO THANKFUL I did not marry him. To be completely discounted and treated as 2nd-class in the home... WOW!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

^^This is worth considering.

Lots of temp jobs will be opening up for the holiday season, and it would keep you busy and focused on something other than the poop situation at home. You could squirrel your money away for a better future, plan, and then execute when ready.

EvilGrin's picture

I didn't realize when I first posted my rant, that it was going to be public. I thought it might be one of those journal blogs that's hidden unless you post a specific 'public' blog like in the 90's and early 2000's that people had. I can't think of the name of one of them for the life of me.

So update/answers to some questions:
We're not in the low-income housing anymore, been at a privately owned complex since early 2016. The rent was just adjusted to your income at that place, no vouchers. Idaho isn't much for helping with housing costs. You know, if you're poor in this state, you're screwed. There's only two places that do low-income in this city and they are SLAMMED. The place we're in is as cheap as it gets for this area for normal rates, and there are no temp work agencies. This is a small town, under 30k people. I make enough money to pay all my bills as they are, just can't take on another $200 in rent for what a single bedroom around here would be. I don't want to live with just any college student - the times I've lived with strangers have turned out to be 50% of the time, terrible decisions. Few gems out there to live with, it will just take longer to find them. But I have asked a quiet friend my age who is renting a single bedroom place if he wants to go in on a 2 bedroom next summer, or as soon as he can get out of his lease. The place I'm in switched to a month-by-month basis after the initial 6 months, so I'd be free as soon as find a roommate & good place to live. The problem with college towns, is that while there might be a lot of potential roommates, the leases/companies are quite predatory and terrible. My state doesn't have renter's rights, so you're at the mercy of the company you sign a lease with. I know I really can't beat how nice and flexible my landlords are, that's why I'm sad to perhaps leave their building. My landlord is aware of the problems I'm having with BF. We talk a lot when she comes around and she understands the problems I'm having with BF not helping out & his kids.

And since the last time I posted, the cats have continued to be upset by the kids being around. And when it's mine turn to clean litter box, it is done religiously. I can't say the same for BF. HE has frequently gone to bar the last week and half instead of coming home after work and or forgets to clean it.... When I'm around the whole weekend the kids are around (which means no free reign in the living room, and no TV for them because I have on the radio or music) the cats don't make messes. However, every time they've made a mess, it's a Friday while I've been at work and that's the first day kids have shown up. There is absolutely no room in my bedroom (which is the adult's bedroom - his bedroom is the one the kids stay in and has most of his & their stuff) for the litter box, yes its a covered one. My kitty is the size of a small/med dog. He's not obese, he's a large sized cat, like between a Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest cat. When he stands up, his head reaches my hips and the counter tops easily. His covered litter box isn't a normal sized one, it's a special 'large size' litter box. BF's cat is also a large, but more a normal sized large 15 lb cat. So I'm taking the cats with me when I move, even 'his' cat. I'm not gonna leave the poor fuzz ball stressed out and neglected. (He's been hiding under my bed since before I went to work. I just got him out now it's bedtime & quiet...) And I think the cats are friends & would like to stick together. Oh the kids have a nasty little dog that I think pees in their home with their mother. I wonder if the cat can smell that little terrible dog? ( I hate that dog, we had to 'watch' it on a weekend we had planned to go camping... the backseat of my car got pissed on and the tent got SHREDDED. I HATE THAT DOG!)

We'll see how it goes & if my friend wants/can get a place with me Smile I've told the BF I think that we'd be a lot happier and our relationship would be great, if we just have our own places like the first year and half we were together. Then I don't have to clean up after him & while getting told how lazy I am or how I don't work as hard as he does. (BS, I went to college for 8 years, never ONCE going below full time like he is, and worked more hours than he does, including having 3 jobs at one time while being on the Dean's GPA list 3 or 4 times, and having relationships and keeping my own place clean by myself... But yeah, i'm the lazy one because I'm the female and I stay home and clean .)

It was a good time coming to see other people's problem, and comment, and know I'm not alone tonight.