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Hey all. It’s been a while.

elvangeline's picture

I took a break from this site for quite some time because most of the messages I received were mostly telling me to just leave my husband. Although you guys were probably right to do so I have stayed in my situation as I don't see my little bratty trolly SD that much anymore. Thankfully so.

For the most part things have gotten so much better (because SD has only been here once or twice since December 2021). Now she will be here in less than 30 minutes and my husband (her BD) decided to make me angry (or try to) before she arrives by taking a verbal stab at my own children's behavior (which was a far reach, again to upset me). It's SD's birthday weekend of all things. This weekend is going to be ALL ABOUT HER. Surprise surprise. It's all about her every time she is here.

She's extremely rude to me during every visit and can do no wrong in Daddy's eyes. I know I absolutely must keep my mouth shut at all costs this weekend to not upset her or him during her "special weekend".

Ive been so sick knowing she is coming. I've had so much stress, anxiety and heart pain knowing she is coming today. My husband thinks it's for other reasons that I feel ill. He won't take me seriously if I say it's because of SD.

Again since she's has barely been here for months things have mostly been great and back to how wonderful he treated me before she reentered into his life. When she isn't here, we are best friends. When she is here, I have extreme stabbing pains.

Anyway, I'm just here venting away in my safe little vent bubble because nobody else in my life understands and writing it here makes me feel less alone.

Sorry if the top part of what I said hurt or offended anyone. Just needed a break from the D word. (Divorce)

Thanks for listening.



elvangeline's picture

I tried my best to stay as relaxed as possible. She lied Friday, Saturday and today. I called her out when she did. Ignored her for the rest.

Bee_kay's picture

You should consider taking a couple hours to yourself. Get a mani, pedi and a massage or something that will make you happy. 

elvangeline's picture

I took a bubble bath and enjoyed my favorite wine

shamds's picture

A rude disrespectful little shi*, call her out on it and if your husband is there, in a firm tone tell her off and if there is answering back, you tell your partner/husband to deal with crap behaviour now

for alot of us who had balless spouses who caved into skid whims at our basic expense, our spouses/partners only stepped up when they realised their lives would be hell if they pissed us off

elvangeline's picture

I called her out on it anyway. This is my life and my house. I'm not going to be abused in my house.

Stepdrama2020's picture

I know your pain so dang well. Just reading this reminded me of what it was like with exDH and ex snot nosed SD.

I am with the camp that if SD is rude say something. You already know DH wont. He may argue with you or take her shitty side, so that part I get how you would be reserved on doing this.   Nothing is more humiliating when your DH takes the side of your abuser. Its dang like pathetic! However you have to remember YOU matter, YOUR dignity matters. So take care of yourself cause obviously Prick DH doesnt. He rather insult your bios to feel better about his asshole DD. What a tool.

Take back your power, do not let a lil byatch and ball less wonder DH take it from you.

You deserve better hun


elvangeline's picture

Although I don't wish this on anyone I'm glad to know I'm not alone

floralsm's picture

I'm dealing with an entitled bratty SD myself that is well and truly PASed to toxic BM. My SD also just had her birthday and I was sooo sick of her saying 'Yay I can't wait for allllll of my presents!!' 24/7.  Ick. 
Stay strong. I have 90% disengaged from her, but when I catch her out saying lies about me (either to my DH, or my in laws) I don't hold back and let her have my firm tone of never lying with my name in her mouth. No effs given anymore. Just letting you know you aren't alone with the anxiety. I'm sorry your DH doesn't support you too with this. It's really hard with that ontop. I wish you all the strength to get through, and remember to always not be afraid to stick up for yourself.