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Give enough rope...

dreamingofhappiness's picture

If any one person is given enough rope, they will inevidabably hang them selves. Give a person the reason to run their mouth... then will put their foot in it... Given a reason to be jealous, they will be jealous.

The one thing these people never think about is anyone other them themselves. They do not care who they hurt, who they stomp on, and what direction they turn into the next time they face a similar situation.

This BM is so ignorant.. she can not seem to know when enough is enough. She thiks that is it so worth every second of every day lieing to children about adults, then gets the back up from her messed up family. Yet, she sees absolutely nothing wrong with what she is doing to the children involved.

She bitches and complains about me because I am not a BM. She tells me over and over I have no idea what I am doing... yet, I have kept the children safe, I have loved them unconditionally, I have assisted them in actually getting promoted in school, I have taken them every where with me, swimming, hiking, camping etc... I have even taken one the ER while she sat their playing footsie with her BF at the time... I have been up in the middle of the night when they have had a bad dream, I make sure they are fed, clean, they have clean clothes, clean bedding, a clean house....

Yet, I get told, they have no freedom... Oh, I am sorry, I will not allow a child of 122 roam the streets... I am sorry, I will not allow those children stay out side after dark... I am sorry, I will not allow the children to be up til god awful hours of the night...

And of course, I am always going to be the escapre goat until the children are 18 or older... then and only then will I be able to relax...


skylarksms's picture

What I would like to know about these "women" who think another woman won't know how to parent because they have no child of their own.....

How would ANYONE be able to parent their FIRST child???????

dreamingofhappiness's picture

BM will not allow me to one of the counseling sessions. She only wants BD. So, for anyone to see my side, will be like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.

But it is all okay, I am gathering all my information, I am dotting my I's and crossing my T's and making sure everything I have is airtight. Then and only then will I act at all. I love having casual conversations with the loce PD...