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Slice of blended life....

Drac0's picture

Keep in mind that SS is 13 and BS is 4.

SS : "WOW! Did you hear that thunder BS?"

BS: "Yeah. Really loud!"

SS: "That thunder means the Angels are bowling in the sky!"

BS: "No silly! Thunder is electric charge from clouds!"

SS: ????


RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

When ss was little he was terrified of thunder storms. Telling a frightened two/three year old that its angels bowling in heaven (btw I'm an athiest and have raised ss to question and learn, not accept on faith) is a lot more effective at calming him than telling him about electrons. Obviously he now knows the real reason for thunder at age 9.

thinkthrice's picture

I have heard the folktale of "angels bowling" as well Something he probably got from his biodad's side of the family in infancy.