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Wouldn't It Be Cool If

dood's picture

... the members of STalk all got together for a weekend away?

I think that would be a freakin blast! If that ever happens, please schedule it on my skid weekend!


Redredwine's picture

Can we all just meet at the Xanax factory and take a tour? They probably have free samples at the end.
I hear it goes well with wine.

mommy0104's picture

Id love to join! However i think dtzy might kill me because id be asking her a bazillion questions on how to better own my shit lol Smile

hereiam's picture


WTF...REALLY's picture

No get together for you! Bring step kids....shesh.......Why would you even SAY that????? I have to go wash my eyes out.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Ok ok ok....we will do it your way. Step kids on the orient express. Your in charge notasm....bring party favors.

Monchichi's picture

I'd need more than a weekend. It's take me 18-20 hours to get to where you are. I'd also need to bring my girls. Can't leave them with SO, Chucky and witch in law oh I mean MIL.

IslandGal's picture

SO is bbqing as i blog... fuk thiz tablet..hard to make sense,,or maybe im slightly intoxicated..haaaaa

dood's picture

Guys....after only one night with skidly, I'm on record as saying No Skids can come to the get together... If you want to drop yours off somewhere never to be seen again, please do that on your way to our meeting place... do no, repeat, do not bring them with you to the Stalk weekend!

HungryEyes's picture

I'm actually meeting my birth board next weekend in Tennessee. We meet up once a year with the kids that brought us together. They are 7.5 now and we've been talking daily for over 8 years. Love those ladies. I'd totally meet up with stalk ladies...but perhaps kid free??