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Oh, please!

doll faced sm's picture

The Plague was kind enough to grant H from 7 am to 5 pm yesterday, so H is in GA this weekend staying with . . . his uncle.

Yep, MIL finally broke the camel's back, it seems. According to H when he confronted MIL about telling the family that DD2 isn't his, she said, "Son, that is *not* true. I have no idea how [SIL] got that idea."

So I remind H that I specifically asked him not to mention the source of the information.

H: "I didn't."

Me: So MIL just pulled [SIL's] name out of her ass.

H: Well, she surmised it was [SIL] who said that.

Me: Right.

I just cannot express how much I really hate this woman.