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Lower than low.

doll faced sm's picture

There are many SMs and FSMs here who are without children of their own be it by choice, circumstance, or inability. It is utterly reprehensible to use that fact to make a jab at them or use it as a means to taunt them.

Really, doing so is lower than low.


realitycheckmom's picture


doll faced sm's picture

I completely agree. I never in a million years thought I'd see the day something like that was said on these boards. I've both seen and participated in some VERY lively discussions, but that is way beyond the pale.

queenofthedamned's picture

Ugh. To me - having suffered through years of infertility while with my exH - that is the lowest blow.

I almost lost it on some old bitch at Target this weekend. She was trying to sell diapers and asked me 4 times when I walked by her if I had any little ones at home. Umm, no, and can you see you've almost brought me to tears 3 times already? The she asked why I didn't have any little ones. None of your flipping business, you dumbass.

KiFire's picture

I think there is a difference between mentioning that a behavior is age-appropriate and is perhaps extra annoying because it's not the woman's child, and what I recently read on another thread. It was disgusting and entirely uncalled for, inappropriate and flat out fucking mean.

realitycheckmom's picture

I believe they are up in arms over poster a trying to call poster b an old handle or someone who has multiple handles in an attempt to out them and/or get them banned. When poster b didn't appreciate that and called poster a out over what I have been now told is nothing to do with infertility they started a bash thread to obfuscate the issue and turn it around.

Willow2010's picture

Enough bashing already.
And you are.

Willow2010's picture

I will just repost my response to the Sweetnutz when she said the below hateful comment to LF.

Has the empty nursery gone to your head
I rarely get surprised at the amount of sarcastic, stupid crap that comes out of peoples mouths here...but you just did surprise me with this little gem. Who says something so horrid?

You must be an old timer with a new name.

queenofthedamned's picture

I've found, through my own struggles, that those who like to throw the fact that they can have babies and I can't in my face are typically people who have nothing else but a functioning reproductive system going on. Like BM. Yup, honey, you pushed two munchkins out of your hole, and I can't do that. But I have multiple degrees, a good career with a decent income that's going to get even better, and a brain. And you'll never ever have that. So I try to take it all with a grain of salt.

aggravated1's picture

Oh, its not the worst. There was the poster that was positively giddy that another poster had a miscarriage.