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Justice has prevailed (well...more or less)

dbsojo's picture

So Mic went to the court ordered mediation to duke out summer visitation time. A reminder: Ms. Perfect suggested that we rotate visitation for the summer to a whole week every other week. Once she got to court and realized that Mic was going to use the time to catch up on arrears, she said she was only "exploring options". That's how they ended up in the mediation to begin with.

So I wish I had been there just to hear the conversation, but the new caseworker sees right through Ms. P. She apparently came just short of calling her a disagreeable bitch, and asked Mic if she was always that fake. Of course, Ms. P. was fighting the every other week bit, citing that 1. They are a spontaneous family, and if they want to go to the beach for a few days, she didn't want to have to worry about being back for the switch. The caseworker basically said we should all be so lucky. Then the conversation turned to what she and live in boyfriend do for a living...lots of stuttering...trying to explain to a sane person about how she's a self employed secretary who works at home, and 2. She was worried that ss would be bored and not use his brain while he was with us. Apparently she has set times for him to do math and reading over the summer, and she was worried that we wouldn't, I guess. So Mic politely explained that I was better at attending to ss's school work than she was, which she had to agree with (yeah, what I wouldn't give to have heard that straight from the whorse's mouth! {oh, gee, did I mispell that?}).

Then they had to duke it out about activies. Ms. P. wants ss to take swimming classes again this year, because 1. the classes he took last year blew up his head about his swimming ability, so now he goes out as far as he can into the ocean and 2. due to global warming, the rip tide is worse than it's ever been (I think that if the caseworker was at all thinking she was dealing with a normal person, this comment killed it- Ms. P. must have watched Al Gore's movie or something, because now she's an expert in global warming and undercurrents). God forbid she actaully watch him when he's in the water. Why parent when you can just pawn off your kid to more swim classes? I swear to God this woman has two brain cells left, and they're fighting with each other.

So the long and short of it: Mic got his visitation, with the weeks we have him paying on his arrears (he'll still be paying it every week), but he should be catching up by the end of the summer. Mic has say so in all activities (so he won't be taking any more swim classes, or anything else he's already learned for that matter- you know, if she doesn't know what to do with all of her money, she can give it back. WTF), and the school has been provided with all of Mic's info, etc. so no more problems there, either. They got the pick up and drop off schedule figured out (oh my God, she'll actually have to come to the house-whatever shall she do? Ha!). If there are any violations to the child's bill of rights, Mic is to notify the caseworker immediatly, and she will follow up on it (Thank God for this woman). The only things that we wanted that we didn't get were ss being able to play sports in our town (because it's not his primary residence) and say in where he goes to school (he goes to a Catholic school, and no one, her house or ours, is Catholic- very confusing to ss). So we are very thankful, and justice has, indeed, prevailed!


erin82's picture

I absolutely loved your comment about the BM having two brain cells left that were fighting with each other! It was great!

That is how my ss's BM is. She didn't even graduate high school and has a hard time comprehending anything that she doesn't agree with, plus my ss is always coming home using ugly slang words. How can she let him butcher the English language before he has even learned it?!
It will be interesting as he grows up to see how she deals with homework especially since I am a college graduate who is also in the process of receiving a master's degree. Try and explain that difference to the ss.

I am glad, however, that one of us has at least prevailed, somewhat. It gives me hope that one day my fiance and I will have ours.