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OMG. The 11 YO Drama.

Cover1W's picture

So Sd11 and Sd9 rush into the house and immediately are out of control. But, not my problem. So they are up in Sd11 room and all of a sudden Sd11 is yelling at her sister for doing something and then bursting into a drama of a tear-fest. I let her wail for a few minutes but she kept on going....
Me, in the middle of cleaning kitchen/doing laundry/making myself dinner: "Sd11 are you bleeding?"
Sd11 after gaining a breath, and a repeat of my question, "Nooo."
Me: "Ok then good. Take a deep breath and slowly let it out."
Sd11: cryyyyy cry wail like she's dying
Me: "Can you hear me? Please take a breath and calm down."
Sd11: "you are SO rude!" Cryyyyy wail moan
Me: "I am just trying to calm you down so you feel better."
Sd11: "you are so mean and rude! Where is daddy!?"
Me: "Ok then I'm done with you for the night. You dad should be here Any second."
(DP was behind them as they ran ahead to the house)
I heard her mutter "I hate you" under her breath...whatever.

Told DP what happened before he came in. As soon as he set foot in the house...cryyyyy waiil sob all again. SD11 is such a drama queen. Sd9 is all like, "whatever." LOL
I don't do drama queens and will not stand for that attitude. DP knows this.
We will see if SD11 reverts to her bitchy attitude to me next week.

I also left her lunch making mess in the kitchen. Told DP that if she's making her own lunches that also means she cleans it up. I don't do maid service.


Cover1W's picture

Apparently Sd9 "caused" sd11 computer to bonk her in the nose. Seriously. Sd11 is the most pain adverse kid I have ever met and I don't tolerate it. I tell DP she needs to toughen up or she'll never survive into high school. I really think it wasn't Sd9 fault either. I suspect Sd11 grabbed the laptop too hard and it ricochet back in her face.

I've told them many times that if they hurt themselves rough housing then it's their own fault.

Cover1W's picture

You don't know SD11. Did I mention any swelling? I made sure she wasn't really hurt. She went into overdrive. It was her fault to begin with. Little sympathy since I've seen this played out more than once. Well, lots more than once.

DarkStar's picture

Um, NO....the kid was crying cuz she's a drama queen. Seriously are you defending bad skid behavior at ELEVEN YEARS OLD on hormones????????
Sounds like one of the Disney excuses heard here on a daily basis.