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Another day...a different BM

Colorado Girl's picture

Imagine this folks. All was well in Colorado Girl's world. BM was behaving herself and I even saw her on Saturday and didn't feel the need to regurgitate my lunch. I also complimented her new haircut, it was actually pretty cute. Everything seemed to be going pretty good. BM had agreed last week to the new parenting plan/child support order. DH's lawyer just needs to draw up the paperwork and both parties need to sign, and once this happens mediation can be cancelled (scheduled for next Monday). This all needs to happen before Friday or they are still going.

Sooooo....last night the phone rings. It's BM crying. She feels DH is only being nice to her in order to get what he wants. (WOW, she is smarter than I give her credit....DUH) DH tells her no, nobody is "getting what they want", they're trying to do what's best for the girls. DH reiterated the simple fact that them fighting all the time is very non-productive when trying to parent three young children.

BM also feels, get this, that the State of Colorado's Child Support Worksheet is wrong. It doesn't take the country's current economical situation into account. DH just shook his head and said "I don't know what you want from me". She then stated that she needed to review the formula because she doesn't think it's fair. She can barely get by on what she receives right now, how can she survive on less? DH just kept saying to her, "I thought we worked this all out." I guess not. So today I printed off the formula and how to calculate child support, it's very complicated. Good luck trying to figure it out. She can't even keep her check book balanced. I can only imagine what she will decipher from it.

I just don't f***ing get it. Candice told me once that you have to be crazy to understand crazy. Well, BM is driving me right over the edge...I think I might understand her very, very soon. Sad


debiamia's picture

OMG- I shouldn't laugh but I find it funny (well maybe strange is a betterway to say it) that these BM can change their minds so quick. They agree to one thing then change their mind when it doesn't suit them. For the past 8 weeks I have thought I was heading to the mental hospital over SD16 and now she is gone home because her BM agreed she should come back, had a cozy CHristmas break full of fun and no parenting concerns.SHe contacted the court herself to turn over the child support, then told the court she disagreed with the decision she herself had instigated. Today she called DH who is traveling for work screaming about SD16's grades and the fact that she failed every one of her finals and one class. She demanded we take her back four days after she took her back home. These ex'es are nuts and personally I don't want to live in the asylum with them. How did these men we love so much end up with these crazies?

Colorado Girl's picture

I know she's bipolar. I know they have a need for constant chaos. But I mean can we just get through this already?

She is just so irritating sometimes. We're up, we're down. She is seriously out of her mind sometimes.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

laurels4u's picture

She might be pulling the bipolar card with DH & you, BUT my dearest brother's live-in girlfriend pulls the same crap with him when she's not getting her way. All she has to do is cry and he backs off. Tell DH to buck up and not fall for it.

You are way too smart for her BS. Call her on it and I bet she folds her hand.

MamaJenn24's picture

the BM you are dealing with is stuck on STUPID!

Are you kidding me? The country's current economical situation? That's not your DH's fault! And no judge is going to agree with that! They'll laugh there a**es off when they hear that one! Hey, BM, get a job and stop blaming everyone else for the fact that you don't know how to budget your household! And get some meds for that bipolar thing you've got honey! Or just go play in traffic. I'm sorry, that was really, really mean, but I just cannot believe these BM's think they can get away with this crap! It makes my blood boil!


Colorado Girl's picture

That is so funny....I always say that, "stuck on stupid".

I wish there WAS a pill that she could take. I don't wish her any harm (well okay, sometimes) - I wish for a little normalcy, that's all.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

sarahbernheart's picture

wow, I thought my BF ex was crazy -ok she is but tolerable. Get this my BF does not want to stir things up with his ex so that when she kicked out K (12 yr old) almost 5 years ago, my BF never had custody turned over to him nor did he have child support changed. UGH!! so she gets support for three kids and only has to support two OH -she did tell the BF she would put money into a checking account for the BS -that lasted all of three months.. So then when she does decide to spend time with the little 18 yr old monster he gives her such hell she drops him back off at BF place then calls BF and says what are we going to do about OUR Son?? and when BS and BM get into it..they both call BF! and he takes their calls..even when he is at work.. at least she does not fight about when he can see the other kids..that was fun. NOT!