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Happy Birthday Week and Happy Friday on a Thursday! updates

CLove's picture

Having a good day so far!

The new job has been moving slowly as my boss has been in and out of the hospital. Water on the lungs, but they cannot find the cause. Other than that, everyone is REALLY nice, and its great to have nice folks to talk to. I was in a windowless office for a year at my previous job, and had no human interaction except for the person I bought lunch from.

Winona SD18, now that no one is "forcing" her to go to school, is happy enough to wake herself up (at around 9 or 10), and take the bus to her summer community college classes. She is gone gone gone ALL DAY, until around 9-9:30 pm, and has a weekend job that keeps her busy all weekend long, and when she gets home, she is tired with sore feet. boo hoo, thats life.

Munchkin sd11 has been mellow. We got manicures together last week and went shopping, which was fun. She hit her "tired wall" and was cranky after that, but I will simply let her hang with her gma, until her mother is on her vacation, as I no longer feel like I need to do any childcare activities. She has been following in her sisters footsteps lately, and has refused and complained when I ask her to help me with cleaning or dishes, and so I explained to her, after she asked me for help, and I did help, that in the future, if she wants my help, she will need to help me out. I think she will eventually understand, and perhaps things will be different for a while.

Fourth of July, I wasnt in the mood for much - so I went to the local parade and then went shopping! Just me myself and I. No skids, nobody else to worry about, look after, feed, etc. Then adult beverages on the rooftop with friends in front of a firepit. Then home. Nothing big. And no big crazy hangovers!

Tonight, my birthday night, my Sweety is taking me dancing under the stars at the cantina, and many of my friends will be there and there will be other birthdays celebrating in one collection of human togetherness. This happens to also be my Friday, and the actual Friday will be one of contemplation and reflection and self-care.

And no skids! Winona has been hanging in her room and keeping to herself, or going out. Now that she is 18, we no longer care what she is doing nore where she is, just as long as no dishes left around, and no candles are burning. She is a little perplexed that we have no curfew for her and do not ask what she is up to or where she is if she isn't home. LOL. No longer required to care, are we!!! Footloose and fancy free!

The only fly in my ointment at present is that I am still seeing SO give Winona $$ca$h for bus and food. He bought her work shoes. But he sais he is simply keeping a "tab" that she will need to pay back when she gets her paycheck. Oh! Wait! She is saving for a vacation trip to Vegas - so payback will have to wait indefinitely! We shall see. The other fly in my ointment is when SO tells Munchkin sd11 that "if she doesnt want to help with dishes, she doesnt have to..."
Must get my fly swatter out, and kill some flies...


CLove's picture

Yup. This is in my arsenal of responses when this happens again.

SO bought me blonde hair and a cut, so I decided I would have a different tactic this one time! And the next, get ready to bail when little munchkin decides not to help....

Acratopotes's picture

Clove - good to hear you have peace in your life.....

SO telling Munchkin if she does not want to help with dishes ..... oh hell NO.... nip that in the butt immediately,

I agree with Bright's comment on this

CLove's picture

Acra - what I did was this:

She came up to me sweet as anything, asking if I could call her friends mother. I did. Then if I could call her best friend. I did. Then we organised for her to attend a big party with her best friend.

Then, after helping her I said: "Hey Munchkin, you know how I really helped you just now? That was pretty awesoem, right? WEll, next time I ask for help, you wont argue or have a bad attitude right? Because then I wont want to help you anymore, ever again...."

Im not sure that will do the trick.

Thanks for all the uplifting thoughts and comments!