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O/T Do You CARE..

chokinonlemons2u's picture

... What people think of you???

Do you CARE if they have nasty opinions?

Do you care if the BM thinks unwarranted and unfair things about you?

Do you CARE if the BM or others spread rumors to make others believe ugly things?

I used to care. I used to care too much. Then I had an epiphany.

If someone dislikes you because they choose to believe something about YOU that you know in all certainty is waaaay off from who you are....Fuck em!

You know yourself. You know your own weaknesses whether you want to own them or not. But you also know if you don't deserve hated on.

You know it if you are NOT a whore.
You know it if you are NOT a mean person.
You know it if you are NOT a thief.
You know it if you are NOT a toxic person.
You know it if you were NOT a homewrecker.
You know it if you are NOT bad to your skids or kids.
You know it if you are NOT a bad person.

So if someone makes a choice to believe those falsehoods about You ....who cares? They are NOT worth your anger. Not worth your hurt.

Be secure in who YOU are and who YOU aren't.

If self inventory shows you that you are unkind, petty, cruel, selfish and likewise then work on You!!!

But if you know you are NOT the things someone dislikes you for, just forget about them because they are NOT WORTH THE MENTAL ENERGY.

Its as if someone were to say ,"Hey, I don't like you because you eat kittens!!! You kitten eating, heartless bitchy ..kitten eater!!!" Is that person really worth giving a crap about? Really worth arguing that you don't eat kittens with?

Of course not. And no one who believes your snacking on Felix because he/she said so is worth it either.

Just keep that in mind, be it a BM, in laws, the town gossip, the church elders, the school PTA your skids BM has whispered ugly things to.

You don't eat kittens and your NONE of those hurtful or hateful things. So forget about them Wink


chokinonlemons2u's picture

True. Ive seen some people really hurt over falsehoods that some BMs have spread.

I can't remember who, but I felt so bad for a poster who took her faith very serious that was devastated by a BM convincing her church and community she is a loose woman. Sad

Starla's picture

I love this blog!!!

I do care what others think of me some days. Every once in a while though I call my closest friends and say "Fuck all ya 'all" but that is my way of saying "I love you and no offense but leave me alone today". When we are in stores and I do care what other people are thinking, I disconnect somehow. Whatever I am shopping for which is on a list in my hand, I can't focus on any of the items on the list.

If there is booze involved then I usually don't care what others think as long as I'm not making a fool out of

I had to giggle at the eating kittens comment.. DH and I were talking about eating elephants today. I just learned that people kill them for their husks {hope I said that right} and leaving their bodies to rot. I wondered why they don't eat the meat if they kill the animal but wasn't sure about elephant meat. Anyways, back to you..sorry!

Anon2009's picture

I do and I don't.

If SDs say something that indicates they're having issues with me, I don't care. Dh would help them work through that.

If bm is saying false things about me, I don't care. That's on her. Same goes for others saying false things about me.

But I won't lie and say that false rumors spread about me never hurt. When that happens I just surround myself with people who know the truth.

tryingmom's picture

I certainly don't care what BM thinks of me. I live an authentic life and if she cannot deal with that, it's her problem. She is one of those people that need everyone on her side and she will spread gossip and rumors to anyone who listens. The only time DH and I address these type of things is with the skids, they will not be spreading gossip and rumors about us like their mother.

DH and I went to a parent teacher conference for one of the skids at the end of the meeting the teacher looked at us and said we were so not what she was expecting....hmmm...what did you expect? She got nervous and didn't know what to say. All I said to her was....consider the source of the information you received and built your preconception of us. She turned red. We were only there as Skid was having an issue and we weren't getting a full story from BM. We addressed the problem with the skid and from then on the teacher knew that we parented the skids and not provided them their excuses. She contacted us if any further issues arose.

Anon2009's picture

I also want to add that I've read some on this site say they certainly want to know if sks are b!tching about them, and what others say about them (in a negative way) period. I think those are huge mistakes. Why give the haters more ammo?

Tuff Noogies's picture

Nope. not one iota.

i dont know when i stopped caring, it just kinda happened. but i pretended to still care, went thru all the motions and everything, it just wasnt inside. i remember going thru the motions with my ex, with the church, with family.

doing and pretending to feel what you were "supposed" to.

that's when i walked. FUCK IT. i was out- i decided i'd rather be alone, then lonely surrounded by people. i was done pretending to care.

and i still feel that way- only now i'm surrounded by people who i genuinely DO care about. no more going thru motions, no more pretending.

like i told DH when we met- "i'm just me."

makes it much easier to deal w/ MIL too. in 3 wks it will be one year since i've spoken to her. have nothing to say and dont care enough to bat an eyelash at her opinion of me. *brushes shoulder*

DaizyDuke's picture

When I was younger (20's) I used to be GREATLY concerned about what people thought about me. Now (at 42) I could care less. I often wonder what horrors BMs tell about me... I never hear anything because we don't run in the same universe, much less the same circle so I have no clue. But I have no doubt that the badmouthing abounds and I don't care. I suppose if one was spreading rumors that I committed some type of crime or atrocity, then I would be concerned, but for stuff like "Daizy is a bitch", "Daizy hates my kid", I could care less.

Again, anybody those white trash skanks would be talking to is noone that I would ever be associated with so I don't care.

Shaman29's picture's how I see it....

I give a crap about how the people I like, love, respect and care about feel and think about me.

Everyone else can go to hell.

I do my best to live by the "you get what you give" rule. However, there are assholes out there who need to see my inner bitch. So I let them. }:)

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I try really hard not to, so I let my actions speak for themselves instead of trying to do things against it. It still gets me down--I'm often a people-pleaser even if it hurts me in the long run.

I only tell my side if someone asks for it, otherwise I keep my mouth shut.

myspoonistoobig's picture

I care, but not enough to let it debilitate me.

And it's fair, because I don't like her very much either. Smile

I think it's okay to care about what people think of you, as long as you aren't letting that awareness clam you up so you can't make decisions by yourself, or function properly.

Empathy and an awareness of the feelings of others toward you, good and bad, is healthy the way fear is healthy.

A little bit keeps you alive/not being an asshole. Too much is too much and hampers your ability to live.

misSTEP's picture

I have had this discussion with DH many times. I do not CARE about what people think or say about me. People who actually KNOW me, know who I am and what I stand for. I am very straight forward and, while I am a people pleaser, I will also tell the truth when asked and will stand up for things I feel are unfair.

DH has a hard time with what people think what they say etc. I finally said, THOSE people don't live OUR lives. THOSE people don't live OUR marriage. Who gives a flying FUCK what those people think or say??

In particular, BM. BM is the type that if she says the sky is blue, you'd better run outside and make sure. Anyone who has known her for a significant amount of time knows she lies. So why should I care what she says about ME? Her own mother told my MIL that she went around bragging that the skids were not DH's but she was making him pay for them. She also bragged about getting the government to pay for her watching her own grandchild! Why the hell should we care if someone like THAT says stuff about US??