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Skidless weekend cut short again

Chmmy's picture

It's Labor Day weekend so everyone is off Monday. BM picked up the kids Saturday instead of Friday. Do you think she'd keep them over night and extra day since she picked them up a day late?

My whole demeanor has changed in the last hour knowing they are on their way back soon.. I cant get 48 hours twice a month. Something always happens that the kids cant leave the full weekend. Its is 4 fucking days per month.

Im leaving tomorrow to be with my mother so the skids can do what they want with DH. My mom is having a family crisis with her sisters. Maybe I'll blog about that one tomorrow. It isnt skid related but it is a story about how my mothers sister raised 3 entitled children and now it's coming back to, as one of my aunts said, "bite her in the ass". You don't have to be a child of divorce to be an entitled adult.



Harry's picture

So SK can’t come back early.  Camping , cheap hotel.  This is really a DH problem for allowing this to happen .