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I'm not sure if this is funny or not

Chmmy's picture

SD21 will only put dishes in the dishwasher if I leave it open as a hint ??? I left it open when I went to bed last night and she put her stuff in late last night after work.  It was closed this morning and she did not  put her breakfast dishes in so I opened it and left it open again and I believe I hear her putting her stuff in right now. So what do I do?  Leave it open at all times? W T F, seriously


hereiam's picture

Show her how to open the frickin' thing. Seriously, is she an idiot or just that lazy?

I would not be amused, it's ridiculous.

BethAnne's picture

Maybe she thinks that if the dishwasher is closed that the clean dishes are inside and she doesn't want to have to put them away? Or it could just be a visual prompt to remind her to do it. 

What does she say when you ask her about it?

BethAnne's picture

That doesn't seem healthy for your sanity to be living with people that you do not talk to at all. Are there any plans for the skids to move out or are you planning on leaving? It seems unsustainable to function as a household if some members are not communicating at all.  

Thumper's picture

I would also buy paper plates and plasticwear with dh's money.

But I would also not be afraid to tell the adult kid CLEAN UP after yourself. If she wont,,,let daddy continue to do it.

I am sorry--this is awful. She will make a great wife and mom wont she. What a pig.