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The Yo-Yo

brutallyhonest's picture

Yesterday I blogged about the eye of the hurricane. Today I'm feeling more like a yo-yo. SD16.5 called this morning and canceled lunch with BF. So after 24 hours of wondering which new way my life was going to suck, instead SD16.5 has stayed away. We don't know what she wanted. Conversation lasted less than a minute between BF and SD.

I have my weekend back only slightly dinged. BF spent the morning grumpy, but has come around by afternoon. However, I'm sure we haven't heard the end of whatever it was SD16.5 wanted. So she's going to play our emotions like a yo-yo. BF's heart strings will go up and down with SD's desire to grace us with her presence. My emotions will also be played like a yo-yo as I dread, then recover, dread then recover.

The powerlessness and ridiculous-ness of allowing a kid to play adults like this only really understood by my ST friends!


BMJen's picture

On a different side of this.

While I do love my son unconditionally, and belive he has the same feeling for me, he has hurt me in the past. He has hurt my feelings, my heart, my emotional wellbeing for a hour or so. Did I always forgive him, of course, no matter what he does I'll always love him. He is my son. But if he lived with his father and canceled his lunch date with me I would be hurt as well. Hurt because I'd look forward to seeing him and spending some time with him.

Kids are selfish by nature. Your SD is a selfish one and her true "wants" will come out soon enough. Brace yourself.

stepmom2one's picture

I am sure that really hurt his feelings. Don't let this bother you, this is DH problem.