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Waiting for the Return of the Demon Seed

Broomhilda's picture

Well let's just say I have two adult SD's. One is DS (Demon Seed) and the other is PF (Princess Fantasyland). Right now PF is miles away from us with a child & BF by the name of LB (Lump Boy), and no realistic ambitions of her own at the moment. PF does show signs of lucidity at times and it our hope (DH & mine) that PF will take child and return home to some sense of reality. Hoping against hope that PF will not marry LB & consign herself to a life of abject misery.
Now DS (Demon Seed) is planning on leaving her austic child (DH's grandson) with her BM and splitting for parts unknown. BM says she wants nothing to do with it but we all know she loves being in the spot light and would love a reason to bring her irritating self over to DH's family functions. DH's family will skin me alive if this happens (can you say lynch mob). DS had asked "Grandpa" to pick up GS from school so she could work longer hours. First time DS arrives 45 minutes late to pick him up AND is dressed to the nines (her job is a dirty one and you certainly would not wear beige to work). I figure...she never went to day off....(oh and did I mention she lies like a rug with an elephant on it).
Second day GS not at school. When asked school states he was brought in 2 hours late, and his aides had been sent home. DH calls answer...calls answer. Drives by DS work DS vehicle....can't wait to hear the excuse or rant this time ( Oh and yeah...DS in the past has stolen car, ran away from home at least 4 times since she was 14. Self diagnoses AND is constantly accusing us of pushing her away....go figure.)
Now I can hardly wait for the ugly head to rise once again....Days of our lives has nothing on us.
But, I will wait, and somehow slay the beast that is DS if even by silence. SM's please don't think when the young skids grow up they will change...if anything they become just an older version with more experience. Cynical you say...I was once a trusting soul....and then I ate of the fruit called skid.


Sia's picture

I like the demon seed and princess fantasyland thing. Fits my SD's to a tee!!!