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And now she emailed him

borrowedtime83's picture

So after the stupid meeting and having a conversation about it, BM is now emailing SO a spreadsheet with the percentage points each prospective school has in each learning area. And we are talking about the majority being a 3-5% discrepancy between each school in each standard, ie; Our school district 73%, her school district 69%, and so on for each subject. Are we seriously debating a difference of LESS than 10%!?
I am going to need to dye my hair again this week, because I am getting grayer by the minute!
Sadly, this is the most work I have ever seen BM do (making spreadsheet, complete with typos for everything she didn't cut and paste from website), and it was all to try and prove SO "wrong".
But this is all supposedly about letting a 10 year old make a choice, which SD told them last night that it is "too much pressure" making the decision. So she doesn't even freaking WANT to choose and BM is trying to force her to make a choice she doesn't even have the legal right to make, or the desire!
Dumb, dumb, dumb, stupid, ignorant, egomaniacal people left unattended, that's for sure.


simifan's picture

No court is going to give any weight to what a 10 year old says. The youngest I've ever heard of is 12. DH needs to man up now. Children this young are often easy to lead...Personally, I'd send BM this text next visitation...

SD choosing to not come this weekend. Since you are pro SD choice sure you won't mind...

Please make sure you take video & count the # of texts & let us know. Don't forget to screenshot it as proof for court.

Ex4life's picture

You DH needs to be throttled if he backs out of going to court. If BM gets away with this crap this time not only will she win, but she will think she can each and every time there is a problem. The Beast will be made stronger and harder to kill. Not only that, but he will actually be doing SD a favor. As long as it doesn't go to court BM will keep pressuring SD to chose her way. If DH takes it to court the decision is taken out of SD's hands.

borrowedtime83's picture

Things like this would not happen if SO didn't feel the need to placate BM and her every irrational idea and demand. Then she throws SD10 into the mix every time,somehow, so it doesn't look like she is just being the selfish self - centered b that she is. I can't even fathom what kind of moron would not only give SD that idea but encourage follow through on said asinine idea.
Sorry, but when you (BM) walk out on your 3 year-old daughter ON Mother's Day, you are done being the deciding influence for that child. There is a soecial place in hell for people like her.